Welcome to the new and improved breeds section, have a look around and meet a breed or two.



Also called the Tavdinka & Tavdinskaya the Tavda is a forest type draft breed that comes from northern Russia & is considered a rather natural breed as their development has had very little human intervention.

Swedish Warmblood Horse

Image from Jenny Dybedahl


Horse breeding in Sweden has been a long and rocky road. Their position so far north makes much of the country an impossible place to nurture the equine animal the the remaining southern portion took a long while to catch on to selective breeding practices.

Suffolk Punch Horse

Image from Harlequeen


The Suffolk Punch is the oldest draft breed of Britain that still exists in their original conformational state today. The highest concentration of the breed can be found in their birthplace of East Anglia.

Sudan Country-Bred


The Sudan Country-Bred is a relatively new breed developed in the 20th century that comes from Sudan in northeastern Africa. They are a mixture of Arabian, Thoroughbred & Dongala horses.

Spanish Barb


Interestingly enough the Spanish Barb originated in the Americas, although they were developed by the Spanish & they come from North African & Iberian animals.

South German Coldblood


The South German Coldblood is a close relative of the Austrian Noriker as they were both initially established in Bavaria & mountainous areas of Austria.

Tennessee Walking Horse

Image from Just chaos


Known for their distinctive gait, the Tennessee Walking horse plays an important part in the history of American gaited horses. Their bloodlines were influenced by the plantation economy and needs in the southern part of the U.S. during the early to mid 20th century.

Somali Pony


The Somali Pony comes from eastern Africa in Somalia and there are several varieties within the breed, although their numbers are very small. They are bred by a number of local tribes, the Dolbanhanta tribe being the largest breeder.

Sokolsky Horse


The Sokolsky or Sokolski is a powerful draft breed that has been developed in the northeast of Poland for the last century. They come from a cross between Norfolk, Breton, Ardennes, Dole, Belgian & Anglo-Norman animals & the result is a light draft that is docile but full of energy.

Sini Horse

Image from Bundesarchiv


The Sini Horse comes from the Sini River Basin in China and have been developed since early in the 20th century.

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