Urban Horses

urban horse

Image from katbert

A city is a terrible place to keep a horse, but for one reason or another too many of them seem to end up there.

Many of them work pulling tourist carriages, others as police horses and still others provide transportation.

Missing The Countryside?

Regardless of the reason they are there, there is always something decidedly melancholy about a horse in the city.

These photographers did a great job of capturing the plight of the urban horse.

urban horse

Image from Dom Dada

urban horse

Image from CiatieK

urban horse

Image from ogomogo

urban horse

Image from J.P. Esperança

urban horse

Image from Steven Jareb

urban horse

Image from Pixoell

urban horse

Image from ChicagoGreek

urban horse

Image from swanksalot

urban horse

Image from GALERIEopWEG

So Many Horses In The City

I found way more pictures than I expected, so I split them up into two parts. Be sure to keep your ear to the street for part 2.

9 Comments on “Urban Horses

    1. Paige

      They never look very happy do they? Personally I like to see them all in a big, green field! :)

  1. thedrafthorse

    The very first horse behind the chainlink fence is Prince, who was a carriage horse in Philadelphia for 20+ years. He passed away from old age at the age of 35. He was a grand old man and a fine carriage horse who enjoyed his job, and also enjoyed a nice retirement with his friends, surrounded by the people who loved him.

    1. Paige Post author

      Thanks for sharing, it’s always cool to hear stories about each animal. Especially when they are happy ones. :)

  2. Kelly Arnold

    I totally agree Lisa! It’s a beautiful collection of photos and horses are very adaptable – which is why they are so comfortable being where ever people are. Our entire cultural history is written in their hoof prints and their heart beats. I think the really sad thing would be a city without horses.


    I am like anyone else I want my animals with me where ever I am, but we all know how much worse pollution and how much more dangerous the city is(just ask those who ride motorcycles). Why do we have to do this to our horses or any other animal? We have found horses abandoned running city streets in Texas. On a good note and I can’t remember where(help if you know)one place has made it mandatory that thier is troughs and other conviences for carriage in several places on thier routes.

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