Creeping Charlie

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Creeping Charlie

Image from fiercetigress


Glechoma hederacea, Ground Ivy, Creeping Charley, Gill-Over-the-Ground, Catsfoot, Field Balm, Run-Away-Rovin, Tunhoof, Alehoof


Perennial, evergreen creeping vine, with long, erect flowering stems. Leaves grow opposite, have blunt teeth, and are bright shiny green fan shapes. Flowers are light blue / purple, grow in tubes and directed towards one side of the stem.

Creeping Charlie

Image from geodeos

Concern Level

Only during drought conditions, unpalatable.

Toxic Parts

The whole plant is toxic.

Creeping Charlie


Irritation of mouth and tongue, diarrhea


Very little information about the toxicity and dangers associated with this plant.

Creeping Charlie

Image from teerlinck

More Information


*It should be noted that we are not veterinarians. This information is written specifically for horses and should be used for reference purposes only. If you think your horse has eaten something toxic call your vet right away.

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