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Image from Tintazul


Chenopodium, Goosefoot, Smearwort, Mercury Goosefoot, Wormseed, Mexican Tea, Spanish Tea


Annual that grows to three and a half feet. Leaves are light green, triangular and alternate. Flowers are green, unremarkable, small and clustered. Fruit is a seed with a thin, papery covering.


Image from Annelis

Concern Level

Only during draught conditions, generally unpalatable.

Toxic Parts

The oil is highly toxic, however little is known about toxicity of green plant and how it and the oil are metabolized.


Image from Hugo.arg


Increased heart rate, excess drooling, increased respiration, convulsions. Oil is highly toxic.


Contains ascaridole which can be fatal.


Image from Mollivan Jon

More Information


*It should be noted that we are not veterinarians. This information is written specifically for horses and should be used for reference purposes only. If you think your horse has eaten something toxic call your vet right away.

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