Animals That Look Like Horses – Moose

MooseThe Alces alces or the moose is probably the species that looks closest to the horse of all others.

What Are They?

Moose are the largest of the deer family and their name comes from the Algonquian Easter Abnaki name moz which loosely translated means “twig eater”.

Where Are They?

In North America moose are found in most of Canada, western Alaska, New England, Rocky Mountains, and parts of Michigan, Minnesota, Utah and Colorado.

In Europe they are found in Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Finland, the Baltic States, Russia and parts of Poland and Belarus.


Physical Characteristics

These animals stand about 6-7 feet tall and weigh anywhere from 850-1600 pounds.

The bulls grow a grand rack of antlers that are thicker than other deers and have a characteristic look.



Moose habitat is generally the deciduous forests of the Northern Hemisphere in temperate to subarctic climates.


Their diet consists of willow, birch and aspen twigs during the fall and winter. In the summertime they supplement their diet with grasses, leaves and water vegetation found in shallow ponds.

Interesting Facts

  • The Alaska Moose is the largest of the moose
  • The flap of skin that hangs beneath the throat is called a bell
  • If a bull is castrated they grow one set of misshapen antlers which they keep for life
  • Moose are generally solitary animals
  • Males grow a larger rack of antlers every year of their life
  • They have poor eyesight and rely heavily on their sense of smell
  • Moose are good swimmers


Not So Equine

No they aren’t, but if you saw one from far away (and it was dark) you might do a double take.

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