Horse Art Category

Lady Godiva

Lady Godiva - Edmund Blair Leighton
Most of us have heard of Lady Godiva, (she’s the lady who rode naked to protest taxes, right?) however I’m willing to bet many people don’t know the whole story. There is some amazing art that I wanted to share depicting this character, so I did a little digging to get the whole story.
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The Horses of Paul Gauguin

GauguinPaul Gauguin was a French post-impressionist painter during the last half of the 19th century. As a child he lived in Peru where his mother collected Incan pots. His mother’s influence and this exposure to this early art helped to shape & influence his style.

Painting Part Time

For many years Gauguin wasn’t a full-time artist, he spent much of his life traveling and living in different places. After a failed marriage and battling bouts of depression he traveled to French Polynesia where he was inspired to paint perhaps his most famous and beautiful pieces.
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