Collecting Horse Breeds

Breed CollectionThere are a lot of horse breeds in this world of ours and I’m determined to catalogue and find images of them all. I’ve been hard at work on the task and am slowly trudging my way through the alphabet. (Who knew there were so many?)

We’ve Always Needed Them

It’s pretty amazing how essential the horse has been in the building of civilization, whether it’s working the land to provide food, carrying our stuff or simply giving us a ride into town.

Our history is inextricably entertained and our needs have shaped almost every breed on the planet.

Twist of Fate

As I am doing my breed research I’m also keeping an eye on horse news & it’s such a sad contradiction. One minute I’m reading about the amazing part these noble animals have played in almost every society & the next about how someone left 53 of them to starve.

The World

Teach Someone

In the end knowledge is always the key and sharing what you know about horses with other people is important. The more people know about our favorite animal, the better they will treat them. Knowing the history of your horse’s breed is important in understanding their behavior, and sharing that knowledge is priceless.

Help The Equinest Out

That said, my goal is to complete the breed section this year and the idea is to be sharing the correct information. However, in many cases I’m at the mercy of what I can find through breed associations, books & online sources.

I’ve asked before but I’ll ask again, help! If you are a breeder or even just have a great breed specimen, I need pictures! Finding decent images in the public domain or under a creative commons law is by far one of the most time consuming tasks.


Correct Me

I’ve loved & been around horses for most of my life, but the more I learn, the more I realized just how much I have left to learn. More to the point, should you find misinformation or an image that doesn’t reflect a breed well, let me know. I’m always happy to hear from someone in the know and it’s far more important that the info is right, even if it means I’m not.

The Moral of The Story

Because I’ve decided to toss my posting schedule I’ve been focusing my attention on the breeds. They are on my mind, so I’m going to post about them. I’ll probably resume my breeds of the week series at some point, but for now I’m going to stick to alphabetical order. Why not meet a breed you haven’t met before?

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