Horse Terminology

Horse TerminologyA large part of understanding horses is knowing the lingo, whether it’s the terminology of anatomy, horse tack, showing or just the basics.

Recently I’ve been using Saturdays to take inventory of the site and revisit some of The Equinest’s archives.

Here is a list of educational posts designed to put equine terminology into layman’s terms. This is an ever-growing list, and I will add to it as I post more.

Glossary of basics | Bridle Terminology | Leg Equipment
Anatomy | Foot Anatomy | Hoof Anatomy
English Show Lingo | Dressage A-E | F-O | P-W
Western Show Terminology | Reining | Cutting | Roping

What Am I Missing?

I know I don’t have everything yet and this is a good chance to take inventory. Don’t be shy, leave me a comment and let me know what I’m missing.