Julie Size – Horse Blogger of the Week

Riding AsideSomething very different today, the horse blogger of the week is Julie Size who is also the regional editor for Saddle and Bridle magazine. You can find more of her stuff on her blog Riding Aside (& don’t forget to grab her RSS feed while you are there).

There are very few blogs out there about riding aside so in a way Julie’s sets the standard. Her enthusiasm for (and complete immersion in) the discipline makes her posts colorful & they provide a glimpse into a horse industry virtually unknown to many of us. This is one dedicated blogger, Julie also maintains several blogs beyond her sidesaddle adventures.

A crafty lady and a great fan of art, she features lots of fun giveaways & her articles always have plenty of eye candy for those who enjoy lots of imagery.

Riding Aside

Great Reading

These are links to some of my favorite articles from her blog, they tend to be more of her text-heavy posts.

Enough Weekend Reading For Now

There is a lot here to read and a great selection of Julie’s work, here’s a quick recap of places you can find her stuff online.

Stay tuned because next Friday we’ll be visiting the snide writing talents of Tacky Tack of the Day.

Do you write a horse blog? If so I’d love to check it out & add it to my RSS reader. Leave the url & your information in the comments so I can come check it out!