The Equinest Horse Information on Kindle

The Equinest KindleFor those of you who aren’t familiar with Kindle, it is Amazon’s latest toy for avid readers, a wireless reading device. This allows readers to enjoy books & websites on a small, lightweight device with a special screen that reduces glare and a battery that lasts for a month on one charge.

Read About Horses Anywhere

Because I want my readers to be able to enjoy horses anywhere they may be I’ve added The Equinest blog to their service for those who prefer it. The Kindle device is wireless and allows you to browse and wirelessly download hundreds of thousands of titles…not to mention the over 1.8 million out-of-copyright books that can be downloaded free of charge.

The Equinest Kindle

Pssst…You Don’t Always Need The Device

Most of us carry around more gadgets than we know what to do with thankyouverymuch & that makes Kindle books even cooler. If you have a computer (Mac or PC), iPhone, iPad, Android or Blackberry you can read on them as well, syncing is easy and saves your place too.

Get The Equinest on Kindle

If you are a Kindle user – or plan to be shortly I do hope you’ll grab The Equinest Kindle blog before you head over to the free book directories…you’ll be lost there for hours! 😉