Playing Horses in Motion

Horses Playing

Image from Thowra_uk

As a horse lover there are few things more beautiful to me than a horse in motion. So I’ve collected some amazing shots of horses in motion to share with my readers.


Perhaps the most fun horse motion to watch is horses at play. Their joy is unmistakable when they frolic and capturing that on film is never an easy task.

Having A Ball

Every horse has a little joker in them, and sometimes all they need is a partner in crime to encourage their freak flag to fly. Here are shots of our beloved equines having a blast with each other.

Horses Playing

Image from Donnie Ray

Horses Playing

Image from vitafluida

Horses Playing

Image from Thowra_uk

Horses Playing

Image from Bob Henry

Horses Playing

Image from BobMacinnes

Horses Playing

Image from prodigaldog

Lots of Commotion

If you haven’t seen the first in the motion series, it is dedicated to the motion of bucking. Plus there are plenty more horse motions to come so stay tuned.