Summer Writing

Summer Fun

It’s been a slow spring on The Equinest and I’ve been behind the scenes working on a load of other projects & updates. But nap time is over and I’m back to doing some serious posting.

While I’ve enjoyed re-visiting some of my first artists and profiling some of my favorite horse blogs it’s time for something a little different.

We’ll come back to visit with more artists & authors in due time.

Throwing My Tail Up

For the next few weeks I’m going to do a little spring cleaning and throw the posting schedule out the window. It’s time for some summer fun, great pictures and interesting items.

I’ve got hundreds of ideas floating around in my head to work on & hundreds of breeds pages to create. Not to mention a bunch of guest posts & intervews to write (I haven’t forgotten). So I’m off to work & let’s see where the summer takes us.