Abyssinian – Horse Breed of The Week

Abyssinian Horse

Image from: Terri O’Sullivan

The Abyssinian horse is not one of the rarer breeds, however the purity of their bloodlines has been diluted by many other animals so a purebred animal may be very rare indeed.

Not A Distinct Look

Due to the extreme dilution the look and color of this breed varies considerably.

However their short, coarse coat often displays rosettes which are highly prized and animals displaying them are usually bred to preserve their genes.

Abyssinian Horse

Image from A. Davey

Bred For Strength

The Abyssinian breed is bred to enhance their natural strength and agility and they are often used as pack animals.

These animals are accustomed to hot weather and hard work.

Find Out More

There is very little information online about this breed. If anyone has any info they’d like to share or know of websites with more information please leave a comment below or send me a note.