Adopt a BLM Horse or Burro

BLM Horse & Burro Adoption

Image from teepole

If you have the space and the funds to do it, adopting a wild horse can be a rewarding experience. The BLM clearly has too many to handle and the more of them we adopt the better (Madeleine Pickens has the right idea).

Getting A Mustang of Your Very Own

The horse and burro division of the Bureau of Land Management holds auctions all year round. These are events where the (qualified) public can go to purchase wild mustangs and burros that would otherwise suffer an ugly fate.

Tell Your Friends

I’ve added their adoption calendar to The Equinest in the hopes of raising awareness for these auctions and helping people get to them. I’ve included relative information like locations and phone numbers to help my readers find the auction nearest to them.

Always Call First

Mounted woman on a cell phone

Image from bjmccray

The website has a disclaimer stating that their scheduling is tentative, so there may be changes periodically that I don’t notice right away. Be sure to call one of the phone numbers listed for information before making your plans to attend.

Tell Me About It

Should you make it to an auction and purchase an animal, I’d love to hear the story. If you are interested in doing a write up (with pictures, even better) about a rescue or an auction horse I’m all ears. I’ll publish it on the site as a guest post and promote your story.