Altwurttemberg – Horse Breed Of The Week

altwurttemberg-1The Altwurttemberg is a recent add to the breeds list. Unfortunately there isn’t much information online about them (in English anyway). Fortunately I had some help & here is what we know.

How It Began

The breed comes from Germany and was started by the Wurttemberg Prince House. Normandy horses were crossed with English Thoroughbreds, Holsteins & Oldenburgs, without an obligatory breeding goal.

Keeping Low Numbers

Because there was no specific goal for creating this breed, their numbers never became especially high. During the early 20th century equestrians developed a flavor for the Wurttemberg Sport Horses & Altwurttemberg numbers plummeted. By the middle of the century the breed was facing extinction.

Saved From Extinction

Luckily, by 1988 initiatives were put in place to preserve the bloodines and keep the breed alive. They can be found in limited numbers in Marbach Germany today.

Know more about the Altwurttemberg breed or have better images of them? I’d love help completing this page, please contact me to get involved.