Horse Image of the Week

Bay pinto Chincoteague pony

Why We Like It

It’s not a super exciting picture, but there is something sweet & tranquil about it. This resting pinto beauty is a Chincoteague pony. The ancestors of these ponies were brought over from Spain during settling of the new world. Their geographical isolation makes them a fairly pure strain of the original Spanish animals. They are left to run wild for most of the year & strictly managed by the local authorities to encourage their success.

Hard to Decide

As always it’s difficult to select a fave, every horse & pony is beautiful. The trick is getting those pretty ponies looking good on film and believe us that is one magical trick! We can’t seem to take our own so we are ecstatic that other people can manage what we can’t – keep snapping away horse lovers!

Show Us Yours!

This is also an opportunity to reach out to our audience, who we know have some images of their own. While we’ve got tons of images to share, we want to share yours too. If you have an image you’d like us to feature on Fridays, let us know – we’d love to see it.