Jennifer Pratt Revisited

GitanaWe are celebrating our horse artists on a weekly basis & today it’s all about the work of Jennifer Pratt, another artist I found via Twitter.

Artist of the Week

Today’s artist paints & draws exceptionally detailed portraits, infused with personality and almost real enough to walk off the page. She’s a big warmblood fan with a personal interest in bloodlines and Canadian Sport Horses.

Keeping Up With Jennifer

Be sure to visit her website at or subscribe to her blog at to see her latest stuff & you can always find Jennifer on Twitter or Facebook to keep up with her work. Here are some quick quotes & my favorite images from her interview, you can read the whole interview here.

“I was lucky to attend a high school that had a multi-faceted arts program. I was able to create horse art in many medias, Scupture (clay and plaster), wood carving, painting, drawing and photography, including darkroom time.”

Jennifer's Interview

“There is nothing like being totally immersed in a painting and seeing it come alive!”

Untitled in Orange

“I love anything warmblood! I have a keen personal interest in sporthorse breeding and try as best I can to learn about bloodlines. I most like to study Canadian Bred Sporthorse Breeders.”


“About 80% of my business comes from Internet marketing, or via my website.”

Enjoying the Artists

Hope you enjoyed this artist re-visit & that you’ll check out Jennifer’s full interview to learn more about her & her work. Stay tuned because next week we’ll be re-visiting an interview with horse artist Karen McLain.

5 Comments on “Jennifer Pratt Revisited

  1. Joni Solis

    Jennifer Pratt has a wonderful understanding of the equine form and the ability to recreate that form in her art with the use of light and shadow! Anyone that owns one of her works is very lucky.

  2. Donna Jones

    I discovered Jennifer first on twitter then on facebook. I appreciate the way she uses form to express personality as well as portray the natural beauty of her model. She leads me to believe that she is a true lover of the horse itself as her focus is on the essence of the horse and not the sport itself, which in turn connects her to all breeds and enthusiasts.

  3. Jennifer Pratt

    Thank you Donna – that is so nice of you to say :) I am a true horse lover and think of myself as quite a purist when it comes to portraying them – even if the image is bold/dynamic and painterly – there isn’t any ‘fluff’ around the horse..just the horse itself.

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