Horseology Category

Horse Pictures From Paraguay

Paraguay FlagAs in many South American countries horses are used as work animals in a variety of forms. From stock animals, to transportation to the tourist industry.

The national horse of Paraguay is the criollo which is known for it’s tremendous endurance capabilities. The strong points of the breed makes them particularly useful as ranch animals and for transportation.

It wasn’t easy to find images of horses in Paraguay, if anyone has any they’d like to share, please let me know
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Horse Pictures From Peru

Peru FlagHorses are very much a part of Peruvian life – both in urban and rural settings. The urban animals are often over worked, under fed and kept in appalling conditions.

Their rural cousins however, while they earn their keep, tend to live a healthier, more well-nourished lifestyle. If only because they have more forage available to them.

Mountain horses live in unforgiving conditions and grow to be incredibly hardy.
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