Isa Kirk Revisited

Isa's Horse ArtTuesday is artist appreciation day & today it’s all about the work of Isa Kirk, another artist I found via Twitter.

Artist of the Week

Todays artist draws & paints her animals with a passion for the subject that is evident in her art. From sketching to intricately detailed paintings her work is powerful & bold. Isa’s also an admitted lover of the Spanish & Sorria Mustangs.

Keeping Up With Isa

Be sure to visit her website at to see her latest stuff & you can always find Isa on Twitter to keep up with her work. Here are some quick quotes & my favorite images from her interview, you can read the whole interview here.

“Born and raised in Germany, I spent endless hours at home, in school, at art classes and later with a variety of personal teachers, improving my skills, if I was not sitting on a horse, that is. “

Isa's Interview

“My daily visualization time every morning brings about the most intense inspiration and motivation.”

Spanish Mustangs in the Snow

“Not that exhibits don’t have a special place in the enjoyment of art, as nothing is ever as impressive and moving as standing in front of the original art work.”

Free Jumping

“It [the Internet] is totally exciting – a new media in a brand new aera for mankind, interconnecting all humans on this planet in every corner of the world.

Enjoying the Artists

Hope you enjoyed this artist re-visit & that you’ll check out Isa’s full interview to learn more about her & her work. Stay tuned because next week we’ll be re-visiting an interview with horse artist Nancy Bailey.