Arravani – Rare Horse Breed of the Week

Rare Horse Breed of the WeekThis Week’s rare breed comes from Greece & like many native Greek breeds it’s dangerously rare & close to extinction. The Arravani breed only has a couple hundred members.

A Melting Pot

A wide variety of different breeds helped to develop this breed over the last couple of millennia, from Thessalian animals to the mighty Arabian. Originally they were bred as workhorses, which provides them a robust, surefooted foundation. Later outside influence (especially the Arabian) lent them a refinement that can still be seen today.

For thousands of years these ponies were used as agriculture workers by local farmers & for transporting loads over stony mountain paths.

Industrial Revolution

Although rural Greece modernized slowly, the Arravani was no match for the inevitability of the 21st century. Horses were eventually replaced with heavy machinery & the Arravani found itself without work. Many of the animals were exported to Italy for meat & their numbers dwindled. Today there are around 200-300 left (a large herd of which is located in Germany), putting them squarely on our Dangerously Rare list.

Learning More

Be sure to check out our own Arravani page, as well as the Arravani Association (in German) & this fantastic Arravani article.

Have Pictures?

As of now we have no images of the Arravani for our informative page on them. If you have images (or information about the breed) you’d be interested in sharing, please get in touch today.