Does the Mythical Unicorn Exist or Not?


Pretty much everyone wants to believe in the magnificent unicorn. They are one of the mythical creatures that seem to be loved on the collective whole. Robert Vavra did a great job of convincing us all that they just might exist.

Worldwide Love Affair

There is unicorn mythology from all corners of the world, however, everyone has to make that call for themselves, even though most of us will continue to believe somewhere deep in our hearts. Perhaps that’s how they do exist, because so many people wish it to be true.

A Real Unicorn Skeleton?

*Sadly the images originally used in this discussion are no longer available :( sorry about that!

This is convincing, although I doubt it’s validity. I was able to find news of a unicorn skeleton exhibition, but it was difficult to tell if it was this that was displayed.

It’s probably just a goat skeleton, but that doesn’t dull it’s cool factor.

Just like a Tiffany’s box, the packaging really sells it. Put a goat skeleton in a box with unicorns on the lid and viola you have unearthed a mythical being.

I’m not a total skeptic, but you’d think if someone found a real live unicorn skeleton there would be news about it somewhere.

The horn on the nose is really what looks fishy, however if it isn’t real it is a well done fake.

A Scientific Letdown

This guy doesn’t buy it, he’s a man of science and the scientific method has no time for magical horse beings, no matter how beautiful they are.

Proof For the Believers

If the above has made you skeptical, never fear, I left the best for last. Even if only a little part of you believes, this video is testimony enough.

If you like unicorns, read more about them. Check out the list of unicorn books I put together just for the unicorn lover in you.

1,174 Comments on “Does the Mythical Unicorn Exist or Not?

          1. isabel

            well my dad read in the bible that unicorns will be with jesus when he returns so UNICORNS DO EXIST!!!!!that is all.

          2. Christine

            I am a true blue unicorn lover. There was a time when I was younger when my mom believed in the existence of unicorns. As for me, well, don’t doubt my beliefs, unicorns are 100% REAL! I have seen them. The first unicorn I saw was back when I was 5. I tripped and hung in midair for a few seconds. When I got back into sitting position, I saw her. She was beautiful. The sight of her literally took my breath away. I saw her again throughout my 17th year, from my 17th birthday to the last day of 2009. I saw her again on my older brother’s birthday last Saint Patrick’s Day. Not once have I ever doubted the existence of ANY mythological creatures.

          3. @isabel

            sorry ky, there wasn’t a reply button on isabel’s.

            jesus wasn’t god’s son. therefore, he won’t be returning to this planet. sorry, the bible was written by men. not god or his missionaries.

        1. Anna

          I think unicorns are real

          I am aproud unicorn lover as well

          I belive the story i belive in unicorns realy happened…

          But i also think if you belive in them they are real if not they are not

      1. dom

        Dear people,
        This picture is a photoshop stunt, as many others. I am sad to tell you they did never exist. The unicorn legend came after the first expeditions to the artic. It has been proven that what they had found were horns from the marine mammal called the Narwhal. This marine mammal lives in the artic (still alive today), and when it dies you can find these horns (very seldom) on the beach. As these first adventurers did not know themselves (as the narwhal is very shy) they then invented the story of flying horses with a horn. They might have been frech as unicorne means one-horn in french (buth that is not know).
        Nice story that makes :)

        1. Rachel

          You can’t say they aren’t real because they have to be…how do I have a picture on my camera i saw on a trip!REAL UNICORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They do exist and you know it!!!!

          1. Bulldogger

            Cool I love unicorns too and also the flying ones and the pegus and also dragons and the unicorns that can’t fly.

        2. faithful

          umm hate to burst your bubble but it even talk’s about unicorns in the bible but not as a hourse with a horn it’s diffrint so say what you want i belive in god juese nd the bible so i belive in a biblicle unicorn

          1. Belles

            To faithful: Some jesus and god believer when you don’t care enough to even check your post for typos! I’m not a god… jesus….. believer, but please. Your free to believe in that!

            That picture at the top was an obvious fake. The horn did not look real… or aged.
            The video of the unicorn was an obvious fake too. Who would just start filming for no reason and happen to see a unicorn? Highly unlikely. Chances are they just had some one put a fake horn on a regular horses head and tape it… calling it a real unicorn sighting. As far as I’m concerned “no” is the answer to this. Although, in greek mythology I love the unicorn stories!

          2. M1x Bl00D

            i read on the newspaper, somewhere on earth i forgot, said that there a guy drank blood and got arrested because he robbed the blood bank. scientists made up an excuse for it, they said that he was crazy, but there was also a princess, from a long time ago, who drank blood to keep her alive, i watched it on the history channel. and there are more but i forgot, bad memory. scientists made excuse for supernatural stuffs coz they don’t wanna look stupid, and trust me, my uncle is a scientist and he kept changing the his theory based on the data he found to made him looks smart. if you think that coz i hate scientists or whatever, i got nothing against them, i actually wanna be one of them.any way back to the point, THERE ARE LOTS OF CRAZY STUFFS IN THIS WORLD THAT NOBODY CAN’T EXPLAIN LIKE WHO THE HELL CREATE THIS WORLD< SOME SAY JESUS, GOD, WHATEVER. SOME SAY BIG BANG THEORY. NO ONE KNOWS.IS JESUS REAL, NO ONE KNOWS, UNLESS U R JESUS.

          3. correction

            hate to burt ur bubble but thats only in the king James 20th century bible…God is capitalized and Jesus is spelled like this

          4. Christine

            To Belle: I have seen unicorns live and in person. If we ever come face to face, I will have proof that unicorns are more than just a fairy tale. I have a song that was inspired by a real unicorn and I’ll have photographic proof!

        3. Carly

          Hey, hey, hey listen up you Unicorns are real because I own one. He is called Twilight and is mad at you for not believing in Unicorns I am trying to tell everyone that Unicorns are real but I just can’t seem to get the world to see it. Some have seen Twilight so some believe but others don’t. Now we do have the Narwhal in the Arctic, I think that’s where they live anyway… but still THERE ARE LOADS OF UNICORNS STILL IN THE WORLD YOU MUST BELIEVE IN UNICORNS YOU MUST!!!! oh and while on the subject of this can you please please please tell all your friends and people you know, that they need to help save the toxic jungle because I don’t want the ohmu or the yanma. And tell other people :”YOU MUST NOT BURN DOWN THE TOXIC JUNGLE!”

          1. i knoow

            Unicorns do excist. and that would be all i would write, for it is true, but people just cant see, or in this case, believe even if they have never seen one. The is such a thing as a deer with a horn, so why cant it happen to horses? I’ve never seen a real platipus, or a lot of animals. we have never seen dodo’s or dinosaurs, so how do we know unicorns, dragons, pegasuses, the loc ness monster, or any other creature god makke this creatures

          2. Lolo

            You are insane.Yes unicorns are real to some people but unicorns prefer to evoid humens. Wait a sec. Are you the person who said that you cout a fairy before.

          3. Gionna

            Some people dont believe in unicorns because THEY DONT BELIEVE IN ANYTHING. And I get mad about that I tell my friend that Unicorns are real but they call me CRAZY!

          4. Shaylynn

            i beleave there is a real unicorn out there somewhere out in a forest that never grows cold and the leaves never fall.

          5. Breanna

            Unicorns are real I know they are I have a photo of one and I also have one his name is Nico. I know it seems like I’m copying you Carly but I’m not and the photo I’ve got is of him and I will try to put it under neath this but if not I’m sorry but I can send you the photo Carly if you want but for does who don’t believe in unicorns really need to think about it how can you not believe something that a lot of people believe and have proof so just think about it and Carly maybe we should keep in touch because we love unicorns so much and we both have one.

          6. natalie

            Whoever said they had a real unicorn named Twilight, I am sorry, but I do not believe that. Although, I do believe that unicorns are real and living somewhere in this big, horrible world we’re living in. Also, if you say you’ve seen a real unicorn before, or a skeleton of one, don’t think it was a unicorn. If you would like to know how to find a unicorn, I will be happy to tell you, because I’m actually a scientist who studies these fabulous creatures. Anyways, if you think you’ve found a real, live unicorn, to tell if you have, you would have to get close enough to touch it. Don’t get near it if his or her ears are flat on its head. That means it doesn’t want you near it. If it’s nice, put your hand out, like you are meeting a dog you don’t know. Let it sniff you, if it stomps its foot, it does not like you. Slowly back away until it turns around. Then start running. Never follow it if it was mean. If it nudges its horn into you, he likes you. To tell if it’s a real unicorn, check its horn. Is it taped or glued? Or is it firmly planted on its head? Don’t pull on the horn. Feel around the bottom of it. See how sharp the top of it is. Is it sharp really sharp or flat? If it’s flat, it’s not real. If it’s sharp, it’s a baby. If it’s really sharp, it’s an adult. Don’t ckeck for wings. They hide them under their fur. They basically blend in with their fur. And last, but not least, they are shy. Don’t look for them in a civilized place. They would either be in the woods, forest, or country. Follow these rules, and you’ll be sure to find a unicorn. If you don’t, then e-mail me.

        4. Carly

          Hey, hey, hey listen up you Unicorns are real because I own one. He is called Twilight and is mad at you for not believing in Unicorns I am trying to tell everyone that Unicorns are real but I just can’t seem to get the world to see it. Some have seen Twilight so some believe but others don’t. Now we do have the Narwhal in the Arctic, I think that’s where they live anyway… but still THERE ARE LOADS OF UNICORNS STILL IN THE WORLD YOU MUST BELIEVE IN UNICORNS YOU MUST!!!! oh and while on the subject of this can you please please please tell all your friends and people you know, that they need to help save the toxic jungle because I don’t want the ohmu or the yanma to die… And tell other people :”YOU MUST NOT BURN DOWN THE TOXIC JUNGLE!”

          1. Deedee

            I believe in unicorns, too. I respect them in every way. I have unicorn, too but she doesn’t since unicorns dont like nor trust humans she only shows up in my dreams and mind. Her name is windy and she is the goddess unicorn of wind. I am able to “call” her by my using secret call and she will help me get through any troubles. She is a very beautiful creature and sometimes she does shine so bright under the moon’s light that i have to close my eyes. If you are not a virgin and you try to get a unicorn or pretend you are one, they will kill you painfully quick. Even though they may seem agressive, they aren’t. They are very sweet creatures. They will only kill you if you try to cheat them or they feel you are a danger to them. Unicorns are too real and if you don’t believe in them, your missing out on a once in a life time experience on having the most beautiful creature in the world!!!!!

            Deedee out <3 :)!!!!!!!!

          2. Deedee

            Sorry i meant she doesnt show her self in my last reply!!!!!!!!!Either above or below this!!!!!

          3. georgie

            hi everyone x
            i really do believe in unicorns but i don’t know if my pony is one because i cant find the magic moonflower to turn him into a unicorn. when i got him he was all scuffy and he is grey sort of! i really need some help so if you have any ideas on how i can see if he is a unicorn then can you please tell me xx thank you xx love georgie

          4. alfred26

            i beleve in unicorns.uniquehorns are the real name.i have met a uniquehorn (unicorn).and i am a guy.i met one in armenia. i met him by a lake. he is kind of my companian becouse i saw the the same one about 10 times after.i have a special bond with him.we can comunicate together
            thru each others minds.btw he has black main and tail and his coat is pure white so white he glows day and night.

        5. Breonna

          Dear Dom,
          How Is Any One Suppposed To Trust A Guy That Can’t Even Spell Correctly or Use Proper Punctuation? If You Have Time To Look At Unicorns You Feel Are False, You should have more then Enough Time To Use Your Spellcheck.

        6. Christine

          Dom, how can you say that? By the way, you have plenty of spelling mistakes. I’m French, and I am offended that you are so skeptical about the existence of unicorns. Unicorn literally means one-horned horse, Pegasus means horse with wings, and Pegacorn means one-horned horse with wings. It’s a common misconception that unicorns have wings, they only have wings if they are half Pegasus (hence the word Pegacorn).

        7. charzanitar

          @ all of ya’ll who dont believe unicorns exist, will exist or have ever existed, SHUT THE F*** UP! YOU HAVE NO PROOF THAT THEY DONT EXIST!!!! (lol ive always wanted to say that to people who dont beleive in mythological animals X3

        8. Dana

          Hey, there’s this thing called Spell-check, you should invest some of your time in trying it out instead of trying to be a smart ass. “Buth” of course you already knew that.

        1. Linda

          If Indeed there is a picture of such a Beautiful Mystical creature then they surely DO EXIST. Everything that has been created in ones mind or on paper DOES EXIST.!!!!!.. People open ones mind just a little bit so you can believe the unseen. If you don’t then you will be stuck in your little 4×4 box.

    1. rachel

      Did anyone else notice that the skeleton had two horns? one was on the nose….anyways…whether that one was real or not I do believe that unicorns did one time exist and just like animals today, they were hunted out of existence. There are too many tales of unicorns from too many different parts of the world and cultures for it not to have some truth to it. Just my opinion though….

      1. no name

        u poaple r raly dum unicorns don f*&$%k$*g existe but there are scientist who mix to animals up by example on google there is a picture of a zebra hores whatever u call those things

        1. nelly

          omfg you fucking spaz there called zorse and they are real because sum1 bred a horse and a zebra you idiot i dont no where you got the idea from that there not real :/:/

          1. pizzagirl

            i did a report on okipis before! they do exist! i saw some at the zoo, they just aren’t common. they are endangered! OKIPIS ARE REAL! PS: so are unicorns! quit it with these bad comments, if you don’t believe, don’t go to these websites about them!

      2. Snoo

        Yes, I noticed the skeleton had 2 horns, so it couldny be a UNIcorn(UNI-one/single and Corn-Horn), but would have to be a Bicorn or something, so it wasn’t a unicorn but i still believe that there used to be unicorns or still are maybe.

    2. Deja

      hello, it says in the Bible (if you belive in God) in Job 39:9 Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? <<<king james version. so the Bible says there are unicorns..there were unicorns then (:

      1. Girl.

        What I believe. Unicorns exist because it says in the bible only in (KJV or NKJV). And also a unicorn is not a horse with a horn on its head. If it was then it would be a certain type of horse. A unicorn is a strong HORSE-LIKE animal with a horn on its head. In my opinion I think it is an animal we were meant to look for and search for. Not an animal that finds us. If you think about it. You have to believe. I have never seen a unicorn but I know its out there. You don’t have to see it to believe it. Like we know our nails grow but we don’t seem them grow. We just know. We don’t believe but know. But you’ve never seen it growing. If you just try to believe. If you have always believed then your very wise. People don’t take the time making up lies. Its unlikely.

      1. Kindrakalamity

        1. They are real. If they werent, why would this whole thing be started && everyone have proof pictures? I don’t think 99.9% people would waste their time making up stories like that.
        2. You have no proof that they don’t exist.
        3. “Theyre not real and everyone knows it” If everyone knew it then why is everyone saying they believe in them? Hm…
        Try again.


        YOU SHOULD ALL NO THAT NONE OF YOU NONBELIEVERS KNOW THE TRUTH! NO ONE KNOWS ALL THE TRUTH! no one is right! I, think their real, but i could be wrong. I think in RIGHT.

    3. Ryan.S.D

      obviously unicorns and mythical creatures were real in a certain time period because if they were mentioned throughout all these years then they must be real :)

      1. rosele june

        with my eyes her color was heavens light her eyes color blue

  1. grace

    that last video was a joke in sweden or somewhere where someone put fake horns on wild horses and let them loose to see what happened. thats not real but i still believe :)

    1. lance

      actually Grace, a real unicorn was really caught on the jungle some photos of it.You will see them some where in a zoo,that is on paris. and a real unicorn really looks like this:
      1.Skin like a deer
      2.No deer horns
      3.Has small ears
      4.One tiny little horn
      So now everybody knows what a REAL unicorn looks like,share this to, and

    1. Hemant Raj Singh

      Unicorns are not at all fake, their stories travelled ages and ages, no one is spreading them, even how could a guy in stone age imagine a horse with a horn. Was he they really that talented to spread fake stories, i don’t think so…..

  2. cc

    ok maybe some of it is real and some is a hoax but from my research and putting things together a unicorn is not nessasarily a horse with a horn it can be any animal with a horn in the middle of its head and if you really put it all together it means unique horn basically an abnormality in creatures where a animal that is supposed to have 2 horns but it fuses together creating one or where a animal that isn’t supposed to have a horn ends up having one that doesn’t make it magical or anything they are just rare to see. well thats just my theory

    1. Dakota

      I agree, i do believe in unicorns but they are just normal pretty houses with a horn. Not much to it. But pegusus is a whole different story because they have wings so… ya

    2. Snoo

      Unicorn does NOT mean unique horn as far as I am concerned but I think it means SINGLE or ONE horn, uni is the root word of one/single in latin

    3. Snoo

      Unicorn does NOT mean unique horn as far as I am concerned but I think it means SINGLE horn, uni is the root word of one in latin, like uno means one in Italian etc.

    1. Sammie

      I believe too but I don’t think that they are just horses with a horn they have more of a deer and mare shaped body and they don’t have horse hoofs they have fingerish type things that are made out of hoofs they have four of them i have had a unicorn print in my front yard and there was only ONE print in the MIDDLE of the yard and it was in the snow

      1. Dakota

        If its just one print maybe it was a pegusus because a pegusus has wings and unicorn doesnt

      2. nelly

        ermm yeah horses/unicorns they have four legs not one and they have hoofs not tallons there horses not a bird

  3. horsegirl

    ….ok i’ll go with cc but the 2 videos are both wrong the unicorn isnt a horse and isnt a goat if u really wont to logical get ur facts straight. the unicorn is really an animal that has the body of a horse, the tail of a loin, cleft feet like a goat, a beard like a goat, and one horn. so all in all no they are not real, and i wont believe that until some shows me footage or a live picture of a creature that fits that description. so the ppl who think of it as just a horse with a horn in the middle of its head….srry to burst ur bubble but ur wrong!!!!

    1. Dark Squirrel

      I think you’re the one who needs to get your facts straight if you’re going to be a smart A$$. What you just described wasn’t a Unicorn, it was a Manticore which is another mythological creature originating from Persia.

      1. Absentia

        Actually, DarkSquirrel… YOU fail

        A manticore is a mythological creature with the body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion and the head of a human with a large gaping mout full of hundreds of rows of needle sharp teeth..


    2. Kindrakalamity

      …Dude did you read that book about unicorns where it says something about that Japanese (or something) guy && a scroll? Because that sounds EXACTLY like they described the unicorn in the book… O.o I believe in them, but honestly everyone is always saying they come in these weird forms. So i don’t know how they look like, truth is nobody does, because technically there is no truth. But i DO believe in unicorns && im proud to 😀 I guess it’s just fun 😛 (By the way, sorry if my grammar is a little messed up at parts && if i used too many faces && for the ‘&&’s xD)

  4. Rose

    I totally believe in Unicorns, I don’t care what anyone says they may not exist now but I totally believe that they used to. And they are BEAUTIFUL creatures forget the beard of a goat and elephants feet, if people don’t believe why do they seem to have such clear descriptions of what they look like in there head?
    And if it has come from a source they read or something, how did the source get their information? By seeing.
    And if they didn’t see it then, the description can’t be right yes?? Thought so =]

    1. Dakota

      okay this is just a guess but maybe a person made it up! BUT BUT i wuv unicorns and stuff so thats justa thought I believe in unicorns

  5. Kiyona Zero

    I am a werewolf. I’ve seen them before.
    The colors are as follows: white, black, brown, chestnut, and palomino. They have normal horse colors, but gold horns.
    Their feet are not cloven like a goat’s. Their manes reach to their shoulders and their tails are on the ground slightly.

    1. Nixxusbabe

      well, do u believe? I certainly do, and I have proof. I had a dream about a black unicorn named Black moonlight. I took a hair from his mane , his directions, and instantly became bonded. when I woke up, the motion detector light was on, and I sat up to look outside, and saw Black moonlight! I still have the hair, locked up, because if I lose it, our bond will probably end. so read all about it on my site,

      1. doodlecookie

        This is not real. When you wake up, you usually see things that aren`t there, espicially when the light hits the object your seeing, so don`t get too excited. When your older, you can come to understand things more.

      2. Carly


      3. Belles

        Yep. Here comes the mythical side of me!

        I, too have seen a unicorn when I woke up… it was a mystical white with a white horn.. hair under it’s chin and long feathers. (Hair on it’s ankle, yeah.. I’m a horse lover) Now, as I think back, I’m pretty sure all I saw was a… dunno. My imagination? Yes. Imagination. I was only 4… such a strong belief in them… and now I’m doubting. Why? I have my facts. =] But, who knows? Maybe there ARE unicorns that come to only the ones who believe. You never know!

    2. Carly


      1. Brooke

        Well,actually Carly, I have a unicorn. That would make six. And I think there are thousands of unicorns(you just haft to look around.)

  6. Kiyona Zero

    CC, your theory is waaaay off. And the second video was in Sweden, and it was a grey horse with the horn strapped to his head. SOmeone was next to it with a halter.

  7. Brittany

    Well, for one thing, I am very religous. I remember the unicorn being mentioned in the bible, but never the werewolf.

    1. Dakota

      ya that always gets me. im religous to and i think its pretty cool that unicorns was mentioned in the bible. My sister said Vampire was mentioned. But i think vampire is a like type of demon so… yeah. but im not sure thats just wat my sister said. I mean vampires are supposed to suck blood and go around killing ppl right? so maybe my sister is right? idk

      1. Carly

        I have to admit your sister could be right but the thing is I have a unicorn but I don’t have a vampire and i have never seen a vampire so I am not sure if the vampire is real or not.

        1. Arias

          On the note of vampires, I would elect to interject on their behalf. I am of Transylvanian Hungarian descent; my grandmother and great grandparents were gypsies in Hungary and Romania, the hearth of most vampire and werewolf legends. Horror stories linger in our family about vampires. They are evil hunched things that exist, or at least used to. They prey, or preyed, on those most likely to go missing unnoticed. This is why my family had such problems with them; nobody believes a gypsy. I have never seen them, but I will gladly believe my family over all things. Werewolves are unfortunate beasts that usually keep to themselves… My great grandfather supposedly saw one once, but I’m skeptical about it. I think it may have been a normal wolf. Anyhow… That’s just my take.

  8. Paige

    Unicorns are mentioned in the King James version of the bible, but I’ve yet to find evidence of them in any other versions.

    I doubt there is mention of a werewolf, but I wouldn’t make my decision based on lack of a biblical reference. The bible can’t possibly mention every creature on the planet.

  9. Brittany

    Well, we each have our own beliefs. Like me, for example. I believe in unicorns and centaurs, and even dragons, but not the werewolf, and stuff like that.
    Who knows what’s really out there?

    PS-why is my avatar so retarded looking?

  10. Paige

    Haha, the avatars all look a little twisted…they are randomly generated.

    Perhaps some of these creatures only exist because of our belief in them. Personally I think it can all be out there, especially the werewolf. Half person, half wolf, what a clever being they must be…no wonder there are so few sightings.

  11. Angela

    Wow…all I know is there’s many things in this world we don’t even know. I don’t really think if unicorns exist or not, but I do believe in ufos and ghosts are real.

  12. rada

    no one proved that the unicorns,dragons, werewolves, vampires, ghosts etc exist. but no on proved that they DON’T exist, either. so they might just well exist out there. I for one, like to believe that the whole world cannot be explained by scientists only. I like to believe there are things that we do not know.Magic. Things magical. Things that we only dream of. After all, all you can do is dream. dream and hope.

  13. rada

    btw, if a werewolf would have internet connection, why would she/he SAY it? they should keep themselves secret, shouldn’t they?

  14. Jenny

    actually unicorns are real….and so are werewolves you just have to read into it and understand what the creature actually is like the unicorn waz found in i think illinois but it wazn’t a horse or a goat it waz a deer with a horn in the middle of his head, and it waz real….a unicorn is something with a horn growing in the middle of his head and it can be any animal
    every little myth is real in its own way

      1. Belles

        Alright… I highly doubt this.

        Take a picture with your mom/dad’s camera and post it, here, with the IMG code. (upload it to a website called photobucket and get the IMG code, then paste it down to here so we can all be sure.) That’s me… most see it to believe it (usually).

        Other than that I’m pretty sure they ARE there in your imagination. I bet you have a great corral where you keep all of them and ride on their backs and into the sunset. =]

        btw. What’s up with the all caps?

  15. emily

    unicorns are myths to some but i think they r real i believe everything u guys r saying except the werewolf Kiyona Zero guy if u r 1 then wat do u look like??

    p.s hi

    1. Carly

      Emily sorry to say but you need to understand that nobody here is a werewolf I am telling you they r not so don’t go believing that rubbish Only Unicorns are real because I have 4 of them and someone else has 1 as well.

  16. sarah

    wow the 2nd vidio didnt look that fake and it was NOT just a gray horse with a horn strapped on it it was obvously white and theres no such thing as a pure white horse… but a unicorn yya those r real


    1. Ravenclaw

      Kay, so, I feel compelled to correct you. A purely white horse is possible. ALBINO. They have no colour pigment to them at all.

    2. Belles


      She probably said “gray” because there is no such thing as a white horse… just gray! So if you look at it, it IS white, but for some reason there is no such thing and white is gray! (although gray is still gray) =]

    1. Belles

      Sorry.. I’m making a rude remark on every post!

      Twilight is NOT real either. it lived in the authors imagination, and she wrote it down. (and made a bloody FORTUNE too!)

  17. Christine

    wow guys xD
    actually i do believe in unicorns… and CC, your theory is very reasonable. kinda interesting to read all this information. to be honest, the only reason im here is because im trying to find a mythical creature to draw… sounds kinda weird?

  18. horsesrulemyschool

    The guy with the camera was fumbling so much it was hard to tell. So blurry! I did pause it though, and perhaps it IS a UNICORN!

    1. Belles

      hehe… (yeah, me again!) I did the same thing and I was thinking the whole time: “Can this guy stop moving the camera so I can see what prank they’re pulling this time?”

  19. wildwolf758

    ok, so that second vid didnt look too realistic, sorry, and i didnt watch the first one….slow computers reik!

    brittany, i agree with you on the bible thing. if they are mentioned in the bible, they must have existed sometime!!

    karen, twilight is AWESOME!! love it love it love it! <3<3<3

    any mythical creature could be real. humans simply cannot comprehend the supernatural world. i can use your comment, paige, for this too. God didnt list every kind of creature in the bible, so who knows what’s really out there??!!

  20. Paul

    I think unicorns can be real because there is just too much we don’t know about this world. Sea monsters are real too, until some scientist comes up with a “scientific” name for it. Than they say they knew about it the whole time

  21. BRANDI!!


  22. Kiyona Zero

    Unicorns do exist. BTW I’m no longer a werewolf, but a vampire. You may think it’s unbelievable that I can change but it can be done. Anyway, that skeleton is so fake it’s not even funny. No human has seen a unicorn, no human has heard a unicorn, and unless you aren’t human, you never will.

  23. Tsukiga

    Kiyona Zero, i admire your dreaming status, but it is extremely ludicrous for you to be something other than human. if you were, you would be endangering your kind from saying you were a vampire/werewolf/whatever you are and would probably be eliminated for your foolishness. As for your say that unicorns only exist in europe, you are very mislead. And it may be difficult for a unicorn to appear before a human because the fact is:
    Unicorns only appear to the pure of heart and the innocent. They protect animals, forests, and places of natural wildlife.
    A human almost never remains pure when they come of age, therefore it is most likely no unicorn will appear. No hard feelings, and i hope you get your facts and head on straight.

  24. Kiyona Zero

    You talk funny. For that reason, it’s hard to acknowledge what you said. Unicorns don’t protect anything bu themselves. They are killers too and will kill any human to protect themselves. Like you, a human (a stupid one at that), would know anything about me. Demons are so much smarter than humans. I hope you die :3

    1. Belles


      and talk about TALKING FUNNY.

      There is no such thing as a werewolf/vampire. If there is, please come into my bed at night and suck my blood. <3

      Don't say "I don't have your zip code" your a demon, remember? You know everything. <3

  25. i'll kill 4 blood

    OMFG!!!!!! kiyona zero ur a vampire?!?!?!? its sooooooooooooooooooooo kool to find some1 my own kind!!! =) r u a blout like i am? i LOVE me some blood!!! id kill 4 it! LOL!!!!(its an inside joke) i almost got kicked out of school bcuz of it though. normals!!! they just dont understand!!! all i did was bite my teacher’s hand until it blead!!! she was really ticking me off!!!! o well. =I i wish we can some day meet.=) that would b nice cuz the only other of my kind r my freak parents!!!! soooooooooo weird!!! o, and if we do meet, can i plz come back w/ u? i need 2 b free and see new land, and spread my wings and fly!!! =)

    BTW: unicorns r real. iv seen one w/ my own eyes, and it almost killed me!!!! not fun!!!=( yea, they r the same color as horses, not pink or blue or purple or anything stupid like that!!!

  26. UniLvr

    Kiyona Zero, I admire your tenaciousness and imaginative mind but, might I ask how you know so much on these subjects? You seem to be younger than me so I think I would be able to say you are being a tiny bit childish son’t you think? I believe in unicorns, werewolves and the like but I don’t claim to be something like or know all about them. There is a limit you need to envoke when “pretending”, especially when a werewolf or vampire DOESN’T have or isn’t supposed to have any INTERNET CONNECTION…you know…just a thought…

    1. Carly

      UniLvr I agree with you i mean this is what i was trying to point out werewolves can’t go on the internet and they dont even exist only unicorns do because i have 4 of them.

  27. Lukah

    WOW. Okay, unicorns, I believe, are real. They have been mentioned in so many cultures including the BIBLE. (Yes, only the King James, but that was because when the other more modern translations came about, people were skeptic of creatures they did not see.
    Most unicorn sightings were by children, who would see white animals (of varied species) with one horn.
    I believe that unicorns will only be seen by those who are pure of heart, or young.

    More than one place I’ve found it said that the unicorn was a genetic ‘mutation’ that took place when it developing. Often it’s said that the melanin and horn chromasomes are so similar that when a cell for one is changed, the other is as well, producing albino (or white) animals with single horns.

  28. Genesis

    I don’t think that you, Kiyona Zero, are a vampire. Nor a werewolf. First, werewolves are completely unpredictable. Second, vampires wouldn’t be on a computer, telling people that their vampires. Like Tsukiga said, I don’t think a vampire/werewolf would be endangering their kind. They COULD be eliminated. But, on the other hand, I believe in mythical creatures such as werewolves, unicorns, vampires, dragons, etc., etc…

    Heres what I know and believe:
    Vampires wouldn’t be on the computer telling people that they are vampires. It actually proves that the person saying they are a vampire is a fraud.
    Werewolves are not wolves that stand up and have human-like hands. But they are giant wolves. (Odd isn’t it?) They can also very deadly, even more than regular wolves. Even MORE deadly than a wolf with rabies. Since, a wolf with rabies can be highly unpredictable. Werewolves are real.
    Unicorns are horses that seem to be mutated, and have traits of a few other animals, such as lions, and goats. Lion’s tail, goat’s hooves, and the beard. Unicorns are NOT killers. They do protect areas and other unicorns. They are most likely to be horses. They sometimes live solitary on account of their lion trait. Even though lions mostly live with others in a pride. And unicorns can also live in herds. Their goat traits can give them a sense of protectiveness. Goats are very likely to buck at a human. And horses can kill like that. Again, like Tsukiga said, unicorns only appear to the pure of heart, and also to young humans, who can still believe in unicorns. Most humans do not have a pure heart so that is why many do not believe in them, because they don’t see them. Kiyona Zero, you are probably right about one thing, though: They live mostly in Europe. In high mountains, away from civilization. But other than that, you are stupid and you can go fall off a cliff. On account that you are NOT a vampire, so you can die like that.
    Last thing, if you were to be a werewolf first and a vampire. you would be a bloodwolf. And i’ll kill 4 blood. You sound like a retarded highschool girl who needs a life.
    That is all.

  29. ABS

    Personally, Ive been to Europe all over and never seen a Unicorn…not to say I dont believe there COULD be…but until there is proof that they exhist or proof they they dont exhist, im neutral on the matter.

  30. Leland

    What a sad and dreary place this world would be if it consisted merely of that which could be seen, heard, touched, measured, or weighed!

    A mother’s love, a baby’s trust; the hope of better days ahead, the remembrance of joyful times now past; the elation brought forth by Bach, the sentimental wistfulness evoked by Capra; the aspiration that decent people feel towards that which is beautiful, just, and good…none of these may be placed beneath a microscope lens to confirm their existence.

    Being immaterial, these qualities are neither defined by, nor confined to, time and space. Their existence cannot be proven with the flask or beaker, yet they are there, out of sight but never far away, apart and yet pervasive, and in their existing they make all other existence worthwhile.

    Do Unicorns exist? Only those who have been deceived into believing the world fits within their hand would even ask so preposterous a question; all others know that these wise and gentle beasts are found in that place where childhood innocence persists, a land which glows forever in the light of Love and where Hatred, Fear, and Death are strangers and doubt and cynicism are nothing more than myths.

    1. Belles

      Could that possibly be why I never saw one after I woke up when I was four? because the next day my brother broke it to me “What the he**? How can you believe in a creature that nobody appears to have seen besides you?” and that was the end of it.

      Maybe it was my imagination, because I was pure of heart and didn’t have the true realities of life mixed up in my brain, so I imagined the beautiful unicorn and saw it.
      My belief.

    1. Belles


      I own one horse, her name is Diamond. She’s a chestnut, Thoroughbred/Quarter horse mix.
      I have been writing for 2 years now. =] Respond if you’re interested.

  31. Steph

    How does everyone know what vampires and werewolves do and don’t do? Who says vampires can’t go on the internet? Has anyone actually met one and had a little chat about what they do and don’t do. As far as I know, people get their information from books, TV shows and wikipedia… let me tell you, they are definitely reliable sources. I am a bio major, and I believe there are things we don’t know about on this earth, close to what we don’t know about in space.

    So what it comes down to is who’s to say what werewolves, vampires, unicorns do and don’t do. I guess it is just what our imaginations tell us thus far. Could be pretty persuasive, but until I read a study on it, I won’t believe 100% on what the books say.

    I do believe, though.

    1. White Wolf

      Sorry, Lilly and the rest. But unicorns aren’t real. The reason? The equine anatomy is incapable of support a horn as a weapon. If you look at most animals that have Forward thrusting horns, they have bodies that are thick and muscular, necks that are stocky and short. Like the Rhino.This to absorb the shock of a charge when horn strikes living tissue or bone. A horse’s body is mainly designed for running, not attacking which most unicorns are claimed to do by believers. If a horse does attack, it’ll be mostly with its hind legs So The guy in the vid makes a very convincing case.

        1. level-headed

          K – you’re right, kicking with the hind-legs is a defensive action most of the time. An aggressive horse charges or rears.

          1. The Unknown

            An aggressive horse also kicks. And actually an aggressive horse usually only rears when fighting another horse, most of the time a rear is just having fun in the field.

      1. 3r!n supersugar

        then how does a deer support its horns? if a long necked horse can’t support the weight of 1 horn how can a deer take on 2? explain that to me…………………………
        thought so


      2. kaya

        No your wrong putting science to the philosiphy of mythology cancels out every thing you say. If you have ever seen a belgin or halflinger you could picture them as a unicorn so you are wrong and i am right

        <3 UNICORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. hippidion

      Well, i know I’m a spoilsport, but actually there is a rare strain of horses in Texas which sports a short ‘horn’ formed of hair, about an inch long. Generally even odd-toed ungulates are able to form a horn. The extant rhino shows it and there is fossil (non-equine) evidence. The neck is not necessarily short and stocky – look at the even-toed giraffes. The necks must only be short when the horns are used for male mating fights. As an defensive weapon or an sexual attribute, or an evolutionary remain a horn is not necessarily associated with a short, powerful neck. As I said, spoilsport. That doesn’t mean I believe in extant Unicorns. But I admit, the video was well made an the comments quite convincing.(*g*)

  32. Mimi?

    omg just the other day i asked my dad for a unicorn! he said they don’t exist………. shun the unbeliever!!!!

  33. wormierox02

    i totally think that unicorns are real. who wouldnt.the r the best creatures in the whole world

  34. twilightfan

    I say that unicorns along w/ most other mythical creatures are real. Just because we havent seen them doesnt mean they dont exist. If you dont, i could see why you would be sceptic, but im a believer.

    1. Tara

      They must have come from some where , there are thousands of undiscovered animals out there , who know they could be real

      And People believe in jesus and god , and claim his real , god is a fairy tale , myth , story

  35. ashely45

    I didn’t get to watch the unicorn flick your right wildwolf758 slow computers do suck. Karen I saw the movie Twilight but I didn’t get to read the book and I can’t beleive you don’t think that unicorns r real.Brittany u r right that it did say that in the bible I looked it up. Hey Paige, my cousins friend says that she is a werewolf but she lied because, she said if she bit me and it made me bleed. I would turn into a werewolf and then she said that, it had to be on a full moon at midnight that I was bleeding and she bit my cousin that day and it made her bleed and that night she started to bleed again at midnight on a full moon at her school SADD dance and she never turned into a werewolf and she got a boy friend. So that proves that werewolfs r not real!!!!! HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,
    I proved you wrong.

    Oh ya GO PAUL u beleive in unicorns!!!!!

  36. miss melonball

    unicorns are the only horse like creatures that i strongly believe in with a burning passion. if you are a nonbeliever i shall shun you for the rest of your existance and may the essence of the burning unicorn curse you forever. i strongly hope you believe after seeing this dead on proof!
    good day and pleasable flying,
    miss melon ball…

  37. Moriah

    I totally believe in unicorns, mermaids, and werewolves.

    Dragons, I’m not so sure, but I had a friend who said she saw one. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were real.

    I don’t think werewolves exist as we think of it–someone turning into a wolf at the full moon? I don’t think so. I think it’s more like this: when you go into a meditative trance, you can leave your body and see things through your totem’s eyes ( a.k.a: power animal). If your totem is a wolf, you are a “werewolf.” Just my theory.

    It’s very likely these things exist. I don’t think our ancestors just made it up. They saw it somewhere. There are millions of different kinds of animals on this earth–yes, literally millions. And scientists say we’ve only discovered a fraction of all that’s out there!

  38. Moriah

    @ Brittany and others

    I did a little research on unicorns in the Bible. They are mentioned several times, including in the book of Job along with a sea-monster. The word “unicorn” was actually “re’em” in Hebrew. No one knows what kind of animal that was, but some say it was an ox or a rhino or a dinosaur. Yeah, right!

    Kinda like the leviathan in the book of Job. Some say it was a dino, but dinosaurs didn’t live at the same time as people–that I’d bet my life on. Why couldn’t it be an unknown type of sea animal? They say we know more about outer space than about our own oceans; a sea-monster (like Nessie) could definitely live out there.

    1. Tara

      God is a myth so is Jesus , they have no proof of there existence , besides the bible there’s more proof for Thor and zeus Greek gods , even more evidence for the other gods , this is what happened , over million of years Or hundreds of thousand man evolved from ape to modern human , homsapion , then man said

      How was the world made ? Who made us ? So they made up god , and so on until everyone thought that , was how it happened , and it’s impossible for marry to be a Virgin

      This is what might have happened ,marry wasn’t married , so a marry had sex with Joseph , and fell pregnant , so to avoid trouble she said a angle comedown from heaven , and told marry she was chosen to carry the son of Christ , who would be man kind saver , she accepted , her parents or his parents would have been very angry , and Mary n Joseph would be in a lot of trouble Being Jewish The punishment was death to , have sex before marriage , that’s why she lied to avoid death ,

      And why was Jewish religion around? If god Christian is the only real religion ? Answer that and the dinosaurs , how could a dinosaur be 225 million years old , and human ancestors have been around for 2 million years old , there’s evidence everywhere for evaluation , but fir god , there’s no evidence ,besides the bible a book written by you know who , jesus could have been a famous person or had a person who had someone obsessed with him

  39. Moriah

    Hey, I’m back again! All day I’ve been looking for info on unicorns. I went to the library to get a book by Odell Shepherd called “Lore of the Unicorn.” It looks hopeful.

    Anyway, I wanted to say, on there’s info on an Austrian naturalist called Antal Festetics. He was filming a vid in the Herz Mountains and he saw a unicorn.

    Supposedly he taped it and the video is floating around out there somewhere.

    He was interviewed by a magazine called Die Ganze Woch(e). But when I tried to google for more info, I didn’t find anything of interest. :-( I’m not sure it’s real. Anyway, Wikipedia has a stub on Antal Festetics, so he is a real person at least.

    If anyone finds more info, you’ve gotta tell us all!!

  40. Maeve

    Numbers 24:8 – “….he hath as it were the strength of an UNICORN….”

    That’s enough for me. They existed during the age of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt….

  41. anastasija

    i think that unicorns are real and i dont mean the goat i mean the horse and for the stupid guy hwo said they arnt real you just ruined millions of little girls dreams of thinking their real and im 12 AND I BELIEVE IN THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO NEXT TIME YOU BETTER SAY THEIR REAL OR ELSE!!!

  42. Alexis

    Ok…Don’t believe in unicorns!? Well let me tell you all something….Have you ever seen something move in the corner of your eye and then you look where you saw something moved but nothing was there? Well that was a mythical creature…They are real and I have believed in them my whole life! I don’t really care if you don’t believe in them…but if you don’t YOUR wrong…Sometimes when you see that something move in the corner of your eye and yet nothing was there and you might have caught a glimpse of a mythical creature….There is curiousity everywhere if they are real…and They are real! no one can deny that if you really believe…Just believe harder and then you might see one instead of just getting a glimpse and Im only 11 yet I have caught many glimpses of those wonderful, beautiful, and adorable creatures…!!!!

  43. cocoa

    hi im a uni believer and a phantom beleiver and if any onn else is a phantom beleoiver please tell me if you dont no wat a phatom is feel free to ask

  44. Alexis

    I know i’ve heard it before but I don’t really remember what a phantom is exactly….Cocoa what exactly is a phantom???

  45. Alexis

    Or wait…I think I know what a phantom is…Isn’t it a type of ghost???? I’m not sure…I know for a fact that a phantom is a type of ghost…Or a ghostly type of invisibility ghost…lol…HAHAHAHA!

  46. Alexis

    Oh wait…Moriah do you mean the video of the unicorn he supposedly video taped??? I think that ain’t a real video of a unicorn….And I’m getting mad about how these adults are making fun of Mythical creatures and unicorns….I am getting really, really mad about it!!!!!!!!!!! :((

  47. taryn loveland

    i don’t think that i could really believe in something i have never seen. i think its like the bigfoot thing, and the whole alien thing too. so give me reall

  48. Lucy

    I belive in unicorns but not big foot. Also this has nothing to do about unicorns i do belive in aliens, i didn’t before but of newsround i saw all these flashing lights that they say broke the wind turbine (thats not real the spacip parts would be near the ground were it hit it). I belive in unicorns alot and dress up my horses to be unicorns(not real).

    Does any one belive in pegauses. i do.

  49. Alexis

    Omg Lucy!!! I totally believe in pegasus! They are probably the most beautifulest creatures on Earth! so are the unicorns and faries!!! Does any one believe in fairies??

  50. alice *sarah cullen*

    ummm quick question how old are the lot of u? i just want to kno if this is a load of kids or actual like teens or adults im 12 and i believe in them

  51. Alexis

    I am just wondering…How do you know exactly if these unicorns live in Europe? and the unicorns should repopulate to make more of the unicorns!!! What colors are they Kiyona Zero???

  52. MollyGrue

    the “unicorn” mummy was created by a man whose passion is to re-create false bodies of fantastic creatures, based on parts of real creatures
    about the unicorn from Switzerland (the one in the woods) I think its a maked-up horse, put later on the video -you see that suddently the pictures become more stable, during the “unicorn” recording, while it was trembling alot before and after it
    about the 1 horned goat…. it’s not genetic; it happens by chance, like twins, or 2-headed creatures

  53. Alexis

    Well MollyGrue…I actually kinda believe you…but I don’t get why they do this and “make” these jokes with mythical creatures-.- im getting really mad about that…

  54. girly

    erm unicorns are real and now there are 6. They have breeded. This new unicorn is very unusual. It seems to stay near its mother and is a red roan. And it has a silver horn. If your a were wolf go and check it out.

  55. jame

    hi my name is jame and i own a unicorn in my shed. i also have a mermaid in my fishtank and my werewolve is kept on a leash. my vampire lives in my closet and i let it out at night. i also have a fairy godmother but she ran away after i asked for another unicorn. there are now 7 unicorns in the world. xoxo

    1. The Unknown

      Why would you let your vampire out at NIGHT?!?!? You keep a unicorn in a shed?!?!? A Mermaid in a fish tank! COME ON! If your going to lie please put some effort into it!

      1. Tara

        And there’s a man living in the clouds to ,somewhere actual there are million of people in the clouds , and I own a unicorn name tinkerbell Everyday we go for a fly in the cloudsv, and see the man in the sky , we have a nice chat and have lunch to .

  56. Ignacious B. Silvarajan

    if u all want to see a real life unicorn, just hang some cottage cheese outside your window. however, when approached by a unicorn, never ever face it head front, it may give you a nasty head butt. on the other hand, if you stay in an apartment building, feel free to hang the cheese outside your window, they can fly, so there really isnt a prooblem.

  57. Pyromaniac

    For those who doubt the reality of unicorns and any/all mythical creatures…What a sad, boring life you have to lead, where you must be able to see and touch in order to believe. This world is becoming to littered with science. We are beginning to doubt magic and the mythical. What is existence without the unknown? I don’t know, but I do know that I believe in the mythical, in the supernatural. I believe there are unicorns, dragon, werewolves, vampires, shape-shifters, demons.

    Life is a mystery that needs to be explore, but not explained.

  58. mary

    Hi. i jsut happened to pass by this web. i really believe that unicorns exist as i have personally encountered one in new york. they are really beautiful and i saw one with a tail. that was a swimming unicorn and only 1 exists in new york. its really wonderful that such a creature exists in the world. they often appear when rainbows are there so if you just happen to see a flying/ swimming/ walking unicorn on a nice perfect day, its no surprise.

    long live unicorns !! 😀

  59. Alexis

    wow Mary…That is very interesting…I would like to ask
    u something…Will u take a few pictures of these unicorns? and send them to my e-mail if u have an e-mail too tell me ok? then I will give u my e-mail so u can send these pics of the unicorns….Oh yeah and Pyromaniac u are SO wrong….They are real and u need to believe it…Then if u don’t believe in them then u lead an awful life…not us that do believe in such beautiful creatures…Oh and Ignacious B. Silvarajan have u ever tried that before? If u have I will too!!!! Long live unicorns!!!!:D AWESOME!!!!

  60. Mary-x

    Hellos(: Mary introduced me this web.. Er.. whats the difference between a horse and a unicorn besides the horn? ><” i seriously dont know.

  61. awsome-o

    Do unicorn exist?! I’m not even sure if i exist much less something i have never seen, or something i would think i am seeing even though i’m really in a different universe where i really do exist and im just dreaming about this universe and it just seems like it is real because in the alternate universe there is nothing at all including me so i died and now am living a dream where i am not living and everything is possible like killing someone with my mind that i cant even see since it is a dream but then anything would also include me being alive in this universe and i am the only person and everyone else is really me and its just an allusion trying to tell me something and i dont see it because i wake up then fall out of the universe and get sucked into a time warp where the fabric of space and time was torn and now i am really in the past, present, and future and i can switch at any time without knowing it and forget everything that has happened in the other universes until i return then i know what happend… sorry i was tripping on salvia, weed, heroine, and even more salvia.. now i do not know what is real so….. yea unicorns can be real, i mite even be one without knowing it..

  62. me-so-unicorny

    this is totally my real imaginary testimonial. i totlly believe in werewolves and vampires and unicorns. i sometime leave my windows open at nite to invite them in. and all of these creatures whether magically good or evil, exist. and it doesn’t make it right but my grandfather was a nazi during the war. and they were just as evil as anything.

  63. me-so-unicorny

    oh yeah and i red this whole page and even though it was a long time ago i want to say to Tsukiga “i hope you live” because what kiyona zero said was wrong.

  64. JennyLaHu

    I believe they do exist, and I also believe in faries and ghosts, goblins and gnomes. Anyone who doesn’t agree, is fine with me, but I do NOT think it’s okay for a so called Vampire to be so catty and tell another they hope they die.
    Live, and let live, Believe in what you will if it makes you happy, content adn fullfilled!

  65. Leon

    Requisiste or not, the second video is indeed a hoax-looking film. It is a grey horse. The slight dapple variations on it’s hind-end detail that the horse is indeed a dapple grey, or lightly patterned grey horse of similar markings.

    I must say though, that there are some mysteries that are still entailed to this world. Whether or not they exsist, something strange and unknown has yet to be discoverd by us, whether it be knomes, fairies, or whatever you imagine, i hope you keep your sense of imagination alive to keep believing.

  66. Black Werewolf

    Hi? Hey Kiyona Zero, explain to me why and how werewolves exist. I’m not just saying random things. I want to be one, I dont actually know that they exist. Why do some werewolves look weird and som really cool? And you other guys… yes everybody. Type in HOW TO BECOME A WEREWOLF in: theres weird and strange stuff. See ya

    1. The Unknown

      I seriously doubt you can be made a werewolf and it’s more complicated than you think, i’m not one, oh hell no… that would be torture

  67. Black Werewolf

    Oh, and by the way, I want to be a werewolf, but I am not. Dont ask me why I’m doing punctuation, like it’s a school day.

  68. Black Werewolf

    Jame, if you have a werewolf on a leash, did you eer think about it when it is in human form. It is most of the time, so I think the message with the vampire and werewolf and fairy godmother is all a lie… personally

  69. Cara

    All you psychos on this site need to stop googling unicorns and get a life. Leave your house every once in a while and you will probably have a better chance of seeing proof that a unicorn exists…
    Your welcome…i live to help others!!!

  70. othluvr

    wow. is this just a bunch of seventh graders. lol. i believe in all this stuff….sorta. but i live in missouri. which if you know anything about missouri its the show – me state. so i dont believe until i see. and omg. if you really think your a werewolf i seriously think you people need shrinks or something. i mean if you really are. stop by my house and we can play fetch sometime. lol. but thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard in my life. and what the other people’s are saying is sooo true. DUDE. why the hell you telling people yous a vampire/werewolf. can you say ATTENTION GETTER

  71. crystaldragonslave

    well i deffinatly believe in unicorns but i agree with most of you…the two vids are unreal. but hey thats just me. But to me a unicorn is just a simple horse with a single horn sentered on the forehead. and no powers… but i do believe in the mythical unicorn as in The Last Unicorn.. (which has various powers) i also believe that there ARE dragons…. you just have to actually look for any mythical creature to see it… anyone agree?

  72. Alexis

    I do agree with u crystaldragonslave…If u look at things really close out side u shall spot a dragon…There are many type of dragons…If u look at the sky u may see a dragon…Dragons blend in with things so they don’t get caught or get killed….Same with other Mythical creatures…Such as faries, unicorns, pegasus, and dragons…I have seen weird things going on lately outside…A LOT of weird things too…But its cool

    1. Uncorn girl

      I believe If you obsess about and you really want to see one you will see one , but they don’t if they did why haven’t they been discovered yet ? And how could you miss a animal that big

  73. Mark

    I am 35 and very pragmatic. It seems absolutely preposterous to think that unicorns don’t exist. There is so much information pointing to their existence throughout time. There are also yetis, dragons, fairies, angels, etc.

    Humans like to think we are so high and perceptive, but there is much we don’t see. Children see a lot that adults miss.

    The whole concept that seeing is believing is a bit silly. Much of what we see is not real, much of what is real is beyond our ability to see.

    People are so stupid that if all unicorns revealed themselves today, the government would probably capture them all tomorrow to study them to death.

    Long live unicorns!

    1. Leanne


      I am 42 years old and i totally believe in unicorns…i have collected unicorn stuff since i was a young girl! I believed then and believe now and will always believe!!! Even though i have never actually seen one with my own eyes. I do say they are out there somewhere being discreet so they do not get captured. They are a free spirit with a purity that most people have long left behind along with their childhood innocents and beliefs. Unicorns rule!!!

  74. *alice*

    this is a shout out to all of tht ppl who dont believe in unicorns… shun unbeliever…shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!!!

    1. Anders

      If somebody thinks its a wild horse with horns on, they are complete idiots. The only places in the world where there is wild horses is on great grass steppes in Asia, Africa and South America.

  75. Cara

    Well, I have a few things to say.
    1. Dear Mark,
    Do you have any direct proof that unicorns exist? Because personally i see no solid proof. So if you believe all this “evidence” that “exists” then thats fine. Just dont be too depressed when you find out the truth. Because if unicorns exist then I am God, which i really am. Yes, this is a message from God telling you to stop your obsession and move on in your life to something more worthwhile.

    2.Dear ALexis,
    I looked closely today, and saw nothing. I think you might have a problem with your eyes…you should get that checked out!

    3.Dear *Alice*,
    You are insane. Please stay in your home so I can sleep without worrying that there is a psycho among us.

    1. Anna x

      Carly, maybe you didn’t see one with your bad eyes but lots of other people did including me and my other friends with good eyes so shut up! Also if you don’t believe in unicorns why did you search-up ARE UNICORNS REAL? Stupid! They UNICORNS real and I have MORE THAN EIGHT FRIENDS WHO DO BELIEVE IN UNICORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck off Carly!

  76. Alexis

    Cara…You don’t even think about insulting me! OK? Do not tell me to get anything checked out! First of all I mean if u squint u will be able to see such myth! Sometimes they are VERY VERY VERY still…If u turn ur head in a different direction then look in the corner of ur eye u will see one!

  77. Cara

    Oh Alexis,
    You continually amuse me. Just to humor you I attempted your little squinty thing, and I will be the first to inform you that it didnt work. OH ya and you mentioned “myth” which is exactly what your little dragon friends are, myths, meaning NONEXISTANT. Get out for a night and make some real friends, hopefully ones that arent myths….kthnx.

  78. MnM

    I THINK this is all i little wierd it was a blaint fake
    well for a fact how did they randomly spot that in the middle of that overgrown cliff? geek.?
    well any one can believe in ufo.. god it is an unidentified flying object meaning an object passing above ground or in the sky which you dont know what it is, even if it was only a squirle being brave is a ufo…
    and i have to say anthing can exsist in this world like they have recently found loadds nore species of dinos so i think that most of these creature of MYTH couldnt possibly be alive anymore but could still find remains…clean

  79. sulp

    i believe mythical creatures are real, and can still be out there, we know probably less than a 3rd of what is on our planet, so they could be real. its like the big black cats supposedly in the fens (which wen it was snowing last week i swear i sore some tracks of). but there is reference to unicorns living over all our world, and proof that other creatures we dont know about fully exist. (lol that came out funny but i dunno how to word it).

    P.S. i like they way kiyonazero was able to bring alot of discussion about warewolfs and vampires by just sayin he is 1 =p.

  80. Amy

    I’m pretty sure the goat-unicorn is real. I’ve heard about it on the news before- some scientist found out a way to surgically insert the horn hormone in the middle of the forhead of a goat, and how to naturally breed them. Any equine animal with a single horn in the middle of its forehead is considered a “unicorn”, so in essence,yes, unicorns exist (i.e. goat-with-horn. XD)

    However, the TRADITIONAL unicorns that are fantasized by writers and little girls (white horses + horn), I personally don’t believe in their existence. However, you never know, new things are discovered all the time. 😉

  81. Alexis

    Cara…You need to stop trying to ruin EVERYONES dreams k? You don’t have to believe in them…Other than that Most people believe in them…-.- god you are so immature Cara…I am 16….My age is older than yours probably…Oh wait..I know for a fact it is older than yours…Because you are just trying to get me mad…HA…Keep on trying Cara…Keep on trying…You ain’t going to get yourself anyone near making me mad….You are just going to wind into some trouble is you try to make me mad….I don’t get mad that easily Cara…

  82. Alexis

    So Cara…You might as well quit making fun of people that do believe in them creatures…And my so called “dragon friends” Are real…They don’t move that easily…Especially if you are looking at them….-.-

  83. shell

    hi guys firstly thank you mark for finally mentioning fairies as they are my main interest by i also belive in unicorns and magic if any one shares the same interests can they plez post ill check up soon bye

  84. Metal Angel

    Ok, there’s nothing wrong with people believing in what they wish to believe in. Mythical and Legendary creatures are an interest to me, I like to draw them and write about them. There is no solid proof that they exist and no solid proof that they do not. If we cannot see or feel something something we generally do not believe it can exist…it’s human nature. Just as choosing to be good or evil is also human nature. I’m 17, I collect various different books and search various different things on the internet, because it’s an interest, I cannot say I believe or not because I don’t know, I’m skeptical that such things can exist, but at the same time, I’m repeating that there is no proof that they do not exist either.

    Each to their own ^_^

  85. Cara

    First off Alexis, I am not trying to make you mad. Secondly, If you are 16 and you still believe in unicorns then you are the immature one not me.

    And Shell,
    No one can prove that they do exist.

  86. Alexis

    Oh sure…I’m so “immature”? No…I don’t think so…I do agree with Metal Angel…That is what I am trying to say here…Is what Metal Angel said…And I am not immature…I am very strict and very mature for my age…And I am not immature just because I believe in such things…Indeed I shall keep believing in thy…I don’t have to believe in what people want me to believe in…I can believe in what thee wants to believe in…So Cara…Indeed Thee shall continue to believe in thy…I can not give out any proof that thy creatures exist…So there you have it…I am saying this because i know it’s true…I know I don’t have any proof that thy creatures exist…So I am going to continue in what I believe and think…I always draw thy creatures and write stories about them…I shalt not argue with you, Cara…Maybe thy is right…Maybe thy is wrong…No hard feeling, Cara? I am sorry if I may seem like I am acting “immature”…I don’t mean to act of such…I don’t get why you say I am acting of such…But I am sorry, Cara…=)

    1. Alicia Kaz.

      Well I can agree that unicorns don’t hold special powers in their body or any thing but I will not deny that they are not real…I mean come on there are people with horns and other deformities…so why not a horse..if you think of it this way at least it’s logical right?

  87. katie

    people thhat dont belive are stupid if aliens are real unicorns can to and the proff is there read between the lines and maby then it will make more sence to you non belivers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. Metal Angel

    Unicorns are an interesting subject, just as any mythical/legendary creature is. I have to say, I believe they existed at one time, but not anymore. I believe that they have been lost to us because of the nature of humankind, as wether we like it or not, the majority of humans are destructive, we build things on places that were once lush forests and we end up making wildlife extinct, maybe that’s what happened to the unicorn…

    Anyway, I see no problem with believe the unicorn does/used to exist, even if it does not it is still a symbol of purity and hope to many cultures today.

  89. Alexis

    =)….Cara? Can we at least be friends? ^.^…I am very sorry for fighting with you, Cara…=D

  90. Alexis

    Well…So far…I have studied very little on theses “myth creatures”…I must learn more for ‘evidnece’ to be proven…So I actually agree with Cara…=)

  91. Alex

    Yo wattup?…I agree with them non believahs…lol…My name is Alex…13 yrs old…Today I will be giving the daily word okay? BTW I am a GIRL!…Todays word is…………….Respect………boiii!…lol…So yup yup..there you hav it…THE DAILY WORD —–> RESPECT
    YEAHHHH BOI YOU KNOW IM FLAVA FLAVARICIOUS ITS ON MY X-Y HOMLEDICIOUS…(its a commercial for –>Dr. Pepper<–…best pop in da hood!) xD who disagrees wit dat? who dont? Im sorry…I am SOOOOOOOO hypa!

  92. Alex

    / HY \
    / PA \
    /__________HH___________________\ <–says hypahh

  93. 3lla

    well,unicorns are mythical cretchers for a reason ..there mythical meaning made up – anyone can believe in anything, but to believe in the true form i.e a unicorn is a bit far fetched.

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