Tarpan – Extinct Equidae

The Tarpan was native to the steppes of Europe & western Eurasia during prehistoric times (many cave paintings in France & Spain depict the Tarpan) and became extinct at the end of the 19th century.

Extinct Through Neglect

These animals were widely considered a pest to local farmers and ranchers as they had a tendency to ruin crops and steal domestic mares. The steppes were being developed for people which was destroying their natural habitat. As the machine rolled on, the Tarpan and the people began to compete for resources – and we all know who wins that battle.

The Actual Tarpan breed died in a Ukrainian game preserve in 1876.


Reviving The Breed

There has been a recent attempt by German zoologists to revive the Tarpan breed. The result looks similar physically, however they are not genetically the same, Tarpan themselves can not be recreated.

Tarpan Horse

Image from nuakin

The Recreation

The animals used in the recreation were descendant from the Tarpan and included Konik, Icelandic Horses, Gotland ponies, Polish primitive ponies and Przewalskis. The resulting animal is called the Heck Horse, named after the German Heck brothers who created them.

Not An Exact Science

Sadly we didn’t have scientists millions of years ago, so trying to piece together the history of horses is tricky business. There is a considerable amount of controversy when it comes to the taxonomy & lineage of extinct equidae. Be sure to meet some of the others like the Mesohippus, Orohippus, Eohippus, Hipparion & Megahippus.