Horse Breeds From Indonesia

Indonesia FlagIt’s Friday and a good day to visit another exotic location and learn about the unique horse breeds it’s given rise to. Looking at each breed in the context of their origins is an interesting ride, today a peek at the breeds from Indonesia.

Not Really Horses

Most of the Indonesian horse breeds aren’t actually horses at all, they are technically ponies. Per capita, they may have the most pony breeds of all countries. An island nation, the ponies of Indonesia are quite similar in ancestry, but have been shaped over the years to meet local needs from island to island.

Starting Over

There is a great deal of inter and cross breeding among island populations so many of the breed distinction lines have grown fuzzy. However the Timor Pony stands apart from the crowd in that they got out. They were among the first equines to set foot on the Australian continent where they contributed to the famed Waler. Later their ancestors made their way to South Africa where they help to create the Basotho Pony and the Cape Horse.

Batak Pony

Image from Tropenmuseum

Indonesian Horse Pony Breeds

Bali Pony
Batak Pony
Deli Pony
Djamoi Pony
Flores Pony
Gayoe Pony
Java Pony
Lombok Pony
Padang Pony
Periangan Pony
Sandalwood Pony
Sulawesi Pony
Sumba Pony
Sumbawa Pony
Timor Pony

Horses of the World

There is a whole worlds worth of countries to visit, so be sure to keep yourself updated. Please let me know in the comments below if I’m missing any horses of the Indonesia & check back next week for the breeds of Iran.