Learn Your Horse Colors

Pastel Colors
Horse coloring is confusing and often misunderstood. In my research I found many color charts that offer misleading information. Essentially horse color boils down to genetics, whether horses are specifically bred for certain colors or they have been left to naturally reproduce.

Your Handy Horse Color Guide

In order to help eliminate this confusion, I’ve added an entire section dedicated to all of the horse colors of the world. There are a lot of them and they are all categorized based on their genetics. For each one I provide basic information and great illustrations. :)

Quick Access Links

Black Base
Chestnut Base
Cream Dilutions
Dun dilutions
Champagne dilutions
Silver dilutions
Pearl dilutions
Mushroom dilutions
Light black dilutions
Mealy Modifier
Sooty Modifier
Bay Modifier
Seal Brown Modifier
Grey Modifier
Roan white pattern
Paint / Pinto white pattern
Appaloosa white pattern
Rabicano white pattern
And don’t forget Unexplained markings and patterns

Learn more about your horses genetics through their coloring, and look at pictures of all of the different horse colors of the world.