Horse Breeds Beginning With I

Horse breeds that start with IAt this point I’m working my way into the lower half of the breed alphabet and I’m looking forward to the next letter. I’m officially up to the I’s at this moment and getting motivated for the J’s.

If you haven’t met the rest of the alphabet, be sure to do so A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H. Today it’s about breeds that begin with I, from the robust Ibérian Warmblood a larger, more athletic Ibérian animal to the lightning fast Italian Trotter that have made a racing name for themselves worldwide.

The I’s are a tiny little letter category which makes it a lot easier to play favorites

Big Daddy I’s

I’s are special because they are home to one of the purest strains of horse on the planet, the hardy gaited Icelandic Horse is protected by the government & are the only breed allowed on the island. Then there’s the stout Ilia whose ancestors were bred for Greek warhorses as early as the 4th century BC.

Israeli Horse

Personal Favorite I’s

It’s nice to have a smaller category to choose from and the I’s are a great bunch. There is the colorful International Striped Horse which are animals with primitive markings & brindle striping; the bulky Irish Draft because I’m particularly fond of drafty type warmbloods; the hard-lucked Israeli Horse an animal spawned and molded solely by war; and the fair Italian Draft mainly for the intense contrast of their flaxen hair.

The Whole List

Here it is, the full list of breeds that begin with I. If I’m missing something, let me know and I’ll add it to my list (don’t want to forget anybody).

Ibérian Warmblood
Icelandic Horse
Indian Country Bred Horse
Indian Horse | Indian Pony
International Striped Horse
Iomud | Iomudskaya
Irish Cob
Irish Donkey
Irish Draft | Irish Draught
Irish Hobby
Irish Hunter | Irish Sport Horse
Israeli Horse
Italian Heavy Draft | Italian Working Horse
Italian Trotter

What’s Your Favorite I?

Of all of them I’d have to go with the International Striped, simply for my sheer interest in primitive markings & love of the dun & brindle coloring. I hope you’ll leave your favorite I in the comments below then go visit more of the alphabet. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H.