Horse Breeds Beginning With O

Horse breeds that start with OLately Thursdays have been dedicated to the wide world of horse breeds and I’m having a great time with sharing, I hope everyone else is enjoying them as well. The breeds section is a huge one that took years to complete so it’s fun to show it off.

If you haven’t met the rest of the alphabet, be sure to do so A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N. Today it’s about breeds that start with O, from the rare and robust Ob Pony of Siberia to the wild Outer Banks Ponies that roam the Carolinas & come from the mounts of Spanish settlers early in the 16th century.

The O’s are a tiny little category, which means it’s easy to make friends with all of them.

Big Daddy O’s

Not only are the O’s a tiny category, but many of them are also found under more common names, but that doesn’t make them any less interesting. Some of the oldest include the strapping Oberlander which is bred in Bavaria in south Germany but comes from Roman bloodlines; the handsome & versatile Oldenburger which originated in the 17th century and carries Friesian blood; and the small but sturdy Ostlandhester (or Døle) whose bloodlines are thought to date back to 400-800 BC.

Oberlander Horse

Image from LuxTonnerre

Personal Favorite O’s

It’s never easy to pick a favorite, especially in a category with such small numbers, but here are a few of them. First the Old Kladruby Horse, I love heavy carriage types and that big Roman nose; then the Orlov-Rostopchin (or Russian Riding Horse) because their impeccable breeding has created a first class riding animal; and the long, lean Orlov Trotter developed by a Count.

The Whole List

Here it is, the full list of breeds that begin with O. If I’m missing something, let me know and I’ll add it to my list (don’t want to forget anybody).

Ob Pony
Oberlander Horse
Oldenburger | Oldenburg
Old Austrian Warmblood
Old English Black Horse | Old Kladruby Horse
Orlov Trotter | Orlovskaya Rysistaya
Outer Banks Ponies

What’s Your Favorite O?

There are a lot of great breeds that start with O, but I think my favorite is the robust & traditionally blonde Oberlander. Be sure to leave your favorite O in the comments below then go visit more of the alphabet. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N.

2 Comments on “Horse Breeds Beginning With O

  1. Kafen

    The Austrian Warmblood in the jumping video you provided was absolutely bouncing! Lead changes, kick-outs, pulling, hahaha 😛 Some jumping horses crack me up. (The music really set it off)

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