Horse Breeds Beginning With S

Horse breeds that start with SIt’s horse breed Thursday again and time to meet the next letter of the equine world. Be sure to go visit the breeds section where I’ve written pages about every breed I can find.

If you haven’t met the rest of the alphabet, be sure to do so A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R. Today it’s about breeds that start with S, from the wild little Sable Island Pony whose origins are a mystery to the sleek Swiss Warmblood, a breed significant in Swiss equine history.

The S’s are a huge and international category, a lively cross-section of the equine world.

Big Daddy S’s

The S’s are a big group and represents a wide array of incredibly old breeds, so many in fact that I couldn’t limit it to just three. The feral Sardinian Pony comes from the Italian island of Sardinia and they’ve been there so long no one is sure where they came from; the extremely rare Senne Horse that has been bred in Germany since the 12th century; the ancient Shetland Pony was thought to arrive on the Shetland Islands around 8,000 BC; and the primitive Sorraia in Portugal which is thought to be the grandfather of the Iberian breeds.

Sorraia Horse

Image from Hardy Oelke

Personal Favorite S’s

Every week I have a difficult time picking my favorites and I enjoy scrolling through all of them to see who makes the cut. This week I’m going for the wiry Sandalwood Pony which is named for one of Indonesia’s largest export; the majestic Shire Horse one of the largest draft breeds (I love the big guys); and another big one, the Suffolk Punch which is the oldest British draft breed that still retains their original confirmation.

The Whole List

Here it is, the full list of breeds that begin with S. If I’m missing something, let me know and I’ll add it to my list (don’t want to forget anybody).

Sable Island Pony
Sachsen Warmblood | Sachsen Anhaltiner Warmblut
Salerno Horse | Salernitano
Sandalwood Pony | Sandal
Sandan Horse
San Fratello Horse | Sanfratellani | Sicilian Horse
Sardinian | Sarcidano
Saxon-Turinga Coldblood | Sächsisch-Thüringisches Kaltblut
Saxony Warmblood | Saxony-Thuringian Warmbloods
Schleswiger Heavy Draft | Schleswiger Kaltblut
Schwarzwälder Fuchs
Scottish Galloway
Selle Français
Selle Français Pony
Seminole Pony
Senne Horse | Senner
Shackleford Banks Horse
Shagya Arabian
Shan Pony
Shetland Pony
Shire Horse
Silesian | Slaski Horse
Single-Footing Horse
Sini | Sining Horse
Skyros Pony
Slovak Sport Pony
Slovak | Slovakian Warmblood
Sokolsky | Sokolski
Somali Pony
Somme Bay Horse
South African Miniature
South African Vlaamperd
South African Warmblood
South German Coldblood | Suddeutsches Kaltblut
Soviet Heavy Draft
Spanish Anglo-Arabian
Spanish Barb
Spanish Colonial Horse
Spanish Jennet
Spanish Mustang
Spanish Norman
Spiti Pony
Spotted Saddle Horse
Strelets Horse
Sudan Country-Bred
Süddeutsches Kaltblut
Suffolk Punch
Sugarbush Draft
Sumba Pony
Sumbawa Pony
Swedish Ardennes | Svensk Ardenner
Swedish Warmblood | Swedish Halfbred
Swiss Warmblood | Swiss Halfbred

What’s Your Favorite S?

My all time favorite of the S breeds is definitely the noble Shire. Be sure to leave your favorite S in the comments below then go visit more of the alphabet. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R.

One Comment on “Horse Breeds Beginning With S

  1. Suzanne

    hello!! I came across this name of breed in my pinterest search, do you know anything about it? Siciliano Indigeno plz shoot me an email if you have info on this breed or know anything about it!! and my Fav. S breed is the Swedish Warmblood! <3 them, I had owned one until she had to be put to sleep at age 28yr.! we love and miss her! wonderful breed! thx again for this awesome site! I've learned so much & i'm having a great time searching pinterest for all these breeds to add to my breeds board! 😀

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