Welcome to the new and improved breeds section, have a look around and meet a breed or two.

Ainos Pony


The Ainos Pony is an incredibly rare breed of pony found only on the western Greek island of Kefalonia in the Gulf of Pátras. Sadly, tourism, poaching & lack of grazing land are a major threat to this breed – their numbers shrink every year.

Zhumd Horse

Image from Tocekas


The Zamituka, Zemaituka, Zemaichu, Zhmudk or Zhmud horse comes from Lithuania and they are a forest type that is part of the Konik family.

Yakut Horse


The Yakut Horse comes from northern & central Siberia and they have developed in relative isolation, created by the harsh natural conditions that surround them. In fact, they reside further north than any other breed of equine.

Wild Horses of the Namib

Image from thunderstar


The Wild Horses found in Namibia are not indigenous to the area so technically they are not wild, but feral. Horses were first imported to southern Africa in the 17th century from Europe and like the mustangs of North America eventually made their way into the wild.

Vyatka Horse


The Vyatka or Viatka is a native northern breed that comes from of the Kirov & Perm regions of Udmurtia which is a climate well suited for horse breeding.



Also called the Tavdinka & Tavdinskaya the Tavda is a forest type draft breed that comes from northern Russia & is considered a rather natural breed as their development has had very little human intervention.

Sumbawa Pony

Image from DMahendra


The Sumbawa Pony is a close kin to the Sumba Pony, but they tend to be smaller & originate on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa. Often they are referred to as the same breed because of the close proximity of the islands and the amount of cross breeding between them.

Sumba Pony

Image from nathanandharmony


The Sumba pony shares close ties to the Sumbawa Pony but they originate from the Indonesian island of Sumba. Often they are referred to as the same breed because of the close proximity of the islands and the amount of cross breeding between them. They are common & well known for their use in native dance and lance-throwing competitions.

Spanish Barb


Interestingly enough the Spanish Barb originated in the Americas, although they were developed by the Spanish & they come from North African & Iberian animals.

Lehmkuhlener Pony


The Lehmkuhlener Pony originated Lehmkuhlen, Germany and was bred privately by the House of Baron Thunder stud farm and come from a cross between local Westphalian animals & a English Westmoorland blood.

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