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Horse breeds from Bulgaria

Pleven Horse

Image from s_vatev


Also called Plevna & Pleveska, the Pleven is a half-bred horse that comes from Bulgaria. Development began in 1898 by crossing the best local animals with Arabian & Anglo-Arabian blood and later Gidran stallions were introduced. By 1951 there had become a fixed type and the breed was officially recognized.

East Bulgarian Horse


The East Bulgarian Horse is common throughout Eastern Europe, although not so well known in the rest of the world. However, they are starting to make a name for themselves in a number of equestrian sports, including dressage & show jumping. Recently the primary focus of this breed is creating a quality sport horse.

Dolny-Iskar Horse


The Dolny-Iskar is an Extinct breed that comes from Northern Bulgaria & was a variety of the Bulgarian Native Horse. They had a rough & primitive confirmation but were incredibly vital and healthy animals.



Also called the Bulgarian Native & Deliormanski, the Deliorman is a sturdy little animal that is characterized by an extremely robust nature and the ability to withstand extreme conditions.

Danubian Horse


Also called the Dunav, the Danubian is a Bulgarian light draft breed that comes from crossing halfbred mares with Nonius stallions.

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