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Horse breeds from Japan

Yururi Island horse


Yururi Island is a small uninhabited island off the coast of the Nemuro Peninsula in Japan which has been designated as a national treasure. The island is table-shaped with flat, green pastures that are home to a variety of wildlife in addition to a small herd of horses.

Yonaguni Horse

Image from sota-k


The Yonaguni is an incredibly rare small native pony breed that comes from the southwest islands of Japan. Their origins are a mystery but it is thought that they were either introduced from southern islands about 2000 years ago or that they came from Korea and are related to the Cheju.

Taishuh Horse


The Taishuh or Taishu horse comes from the Tsu (or Tsushima) Islands in western Japan and they are an ancient breed thought to date back to the 8th century. Although they are old, they are very rare and have been a protected breed since 1979.

Tokara Pony


Also called the Tokara Kyusu, Kagoshima, Kuyshu & Miyazki the Tokara pony comes from the Tokara Islands in Japan.

Noma Horse

Image from tsuda


The Noma Horse comes fro Noma County in the Aichi Prefecture of Japan, they are the smallest pony native to the Japanese Islands.

Nambu Horse

Image from jasohill


The Nambu Horse comes from Iwate, Japan and is bred by the local people there. These animals are traditionally important to the community and were used for ceremonies, agricultural work & as war mounts for Samurai warriors.

Miyako Pony

Image from Haidonan


The Miyaoko Pony comes from Miyaoko Island in Okinawa Prefecture in Japan, an area that has been known for their horseflesh for centuries. Small ponies have roamed the island for years bearing a striking resemblance to their Mongolian ancestors.

Misaki Pony

Image from JKT-c


The Misaki Pony comes from the Mayazaki Province in Japan where they still run wild in Cape Toi meadow.

Kiso Horse

Image from Thin-p


The Kiso Horse has been in Japan for over a millennia and in the past was an indispensable aide to the people for agriculture & transportation. Their name comes from the Kiso river that runs through the area where they originated.

Kandachime Horse

Image from Akane700


Also called the Kandachi & Handachine Horse, the Kandachime is a Japanese draft breed that comes from the region of Aomori. They come from a cross between local horses and the blood of Anglo-Arabians, Arabians, Hackney and draft blood like the Belgian & Breton.

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