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Horse breeds from Norway

Norwegian Fjord Horse


Also called Fjord Horse, Norwegian Dun, Norwegian Pony, West Norway, West Norwegian, Westland & Northern Dun, the Norwegian Fjord is an ancient breed & one that retains many of it’s original characteristics.

Lyngen Horse

Image from Halvard


Also called the Northland Pony, Nordland Pony, Nordlandshest & Lyngshest, the origins of the Lyngen Horse are a mystery.

Kaldblodstraver Horse


Also called the Coldblooded Trotter & the Coldblooded Traveling Rail, the Kaldblodstraver is a hardy coldblood animal that is popular for racing in Norway.

Døle Gudbrandsdal Horse

Image from HaXXa


Also known as Dølehest, Ostlandhester, Døle Trotter and Norwegian Trotter the Døle Gudbrandsdal is the most widespread breed in Norway today & one of the smallest cold blooded breeds.

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