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Horse breeds from USA

American Mustang


The American mustang is said to symbolize the freedom of the wild west of the Americas. The word mustang comes from the Spanish word, mestena which is roughly translated as a group of wild horses.

American Miniature Horse

Image from Larrywalmart


Miniature horses in America come from English & Dutch mine ponies that were imported to the Americas in the 19th century. The small breeds imported were robust & perfect for use in coal mines of the Appalachian mountains.

American Mammoth Jack


The world’s largest breed of ass, the American Mammoth Jack stock was developed in the US through the selective cross breeding of imported European stock with local Native American & Mexican animals.

American Indian Horse

Image from sylvester75117


Also known as Cow Pony, Buffalo horse, Mustang, Indian pony, Cayuse & Spanish pony, the American Indian horse’s descendants were brought to the Americas by Spanish conquistadors. Many of the animals that were left behind became the feral horses of the US today, while others were adopted & bred by various indigenous tribes.


The drum horse is a heavy riding horse which has proven to be a versatile, athletic & agreeable mount. They are a relatively new breed to the US, but they have a long & rather distinguished history.

American Cream Draft Horse

Image from Just Chaos


A relatively new breed, the American Cream Draft is a color breed in the United States. They come from Iowa, originating with a foundation draft mare named Old Granny in 1905.

American Bashkir

Image from sarkasmo


American Bashkir horses are the only breed found to be hypoallergenic, those allergic to horse dander do not have a reaction to these animals.

American Albino Horse

Image from Kersti Nebelsiek


It should be noted that albinism is fatal in equines, a pure albino is a result of lethal white genes from both parents & will rarely live past birth. American Albino (also called American Cream & White) horses are white, but not technically albino genetically.


Considering the inherent toughness of both the Mustang & the Arabian, it’s surprising that this mix has so recently become popular. An Abstang is a cross that combines two of the most prolific & hardiest types on the planet.

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